Coffee review

Coffee production in Colombia warms up

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, According to the Colombian briefcase, the coffee production industry in Colombia has finally achieved restorative growth after going through the trough of previous years. As of July this year. Costa Rican coffee production reached 6.8 million bags (60 kg each), an increase of 13% over the same period last year; the output value exceeded 2.7 trillion pesos (about US $1.43 billion), an increase of 36% over the same period last year. The Colombian Coffee Growers Association attributed the sharp rebound in production to high-yield coffee.

According to the Colombian briefcase, the coffee production industry in Colombia has finally achieved restorative growth after going through the trough of previous years. As of July this year. Costa Rican coffee production reached 6.8 million bags (60 kg each), an increase of 13% over the same period last year; the output value exceeded 2.7 trillion pesos (about US $1.43 billion), an increase of 36% over the same period last year. The Colombian Coffee Growers Association attributed the sharp rebound in production to the cultivation of high-yielding coffee varieties, but also said it would take necessary preventive measures to mitigate the negative impact of this year's El Ni ñ o on coffee production.