Coffee review

China's coffee consumption has grown at an annual rate of 20%-much higher than the global growth rate of 2%.

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, In 2008, Huang Wenguang chose to enter Nankeng Reclamation Coffee Manor in Zhangzhou, Fujian Province, and began to grow local coffee. In his view, coffee is squeezing into the Chinese market, which is dominated by tea culture, and if coffee is to be truly successful in China, there must be a coffee bean that is more suitable for the Chinese population, and a local coffee brand with more Chinese characteristics is needed, on the one hand, the market demand for

In 2008, Huang Wenguang chose to enter Nankeng, Zhangzhou, Fujian Province to cultivate coffee plantation and began to plant coffee in the field. In his view, coffee is squeezing into the Chinese market dominated by tea culture, and to make coffee truly successful in China, there must be a coffee bean more suitable for the Chinese population and a more Chinese local coffee brand.

On the one hand, market demand plays a very good role in boosting the development of domestic coffee industry; on the other hand, coffee, as a carrier of cultural communication and emotional exchange, has evolved into a life attitude with the gradual blending of Chinese traditional culture. As Richard Chien, a cafe owner, puts it,"China's economy has changed. People are becoming more aware of different lifestyles. Tea is no longer the only thing in people's eyes

Coffee originated in Africa, originated in America and flourished in Europe and America. In 1892, French missionaries brought the first coffee to China and planted it in Zhukula, Binchuan, Dali, Yunnan Province. Up to now, China has a history of coffee cultivation for hundreds of years. At present, coffee is mainly grown in Yunnan, Hainan, Guangdong, Guangxi and other provinces in China. By the beginning of 2016, China's coffee planting area exceeded 1.8 million mu, with a total output of 140,000 tons, accounting for 1.5% of the world's total output.

Coffee culture has gradually approached the lives of Chinese people and has become a drink that people are accustomed to at work and leisure. According to statistics, the annual growth rate of coffee consumption in China has reached 20%, far higher than the global growth rate of 2%. A number of survey data also show that China's coffee market is expected to exceed 1 trillion yuan by 2025, with great potential.

Blue Mountain Coffee, Jamaica Coffee, Mandrine Coffee... These internationally renowned coffee brands have long been familiar. In the past 30 years, China's coffee has transitioned from agricultural primary processing and planting export to today's agricultural export compatible industry. It can be said that it has gone slowly but step by step to build a perfect industrial chain in the process of development. We have reason to believe that Nankeng Coffee, which is firmly committed to fine coffee culture, will become the first wave of Chinese local coffee brands to go international.