Coffee review

Coffee consumption in China is growing at an annual rate of 25%-while the average growth rate of coffee consumption in the world is

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Although China's coffee consumption is facing an awkward situation, the sustained and rapid growth of consumption also makes people in the industry optimistic about the development prospects of China's coffee industry. At present, China is one of the countries with the fastest growth in coffee consumption in the world. At present, the consumption of coffee in China is about 200 billion yuan. Consumption is growing at an annual rate of 25%, while the world's coffee consumption is growing at an average rate of 2%.

Although China's coffee consumption is facing an embarrassing situation, the sustained rapid growth in consumption has also made industry insiders optimistic about the development prospects of China's coffee industry.

China is now one of the fastest growing coffee consumers in the world. China's coffee consumption is currently around 200 billion yuan. Consumption is growing at a rate of 25 per cent per year, compared with an average growth rate of 2.5 per cent worldwide.

Xiong Xiangren analyzed that China has become the largest consumer of many commodities due to its large population. The Chinese consume 30% of global rice production, but drink only 1% of global coffee sales, and the growth potential is huge. Xiong Xiangren said: "The huge potential of China's coffee consumption market will continue to grow with the development of China, the world's second largest economy." Regarding the prospects for China's coffee development, he also said: "I dare to assert that within 10 years, China will become the world's third largest coffee consumption market after the United States and Brazil." At that time, whether China's coffee industry can emerge such as Nestle, UCC and other international famous brands, it depends on our Chinese coffee enterprises.

According to the data, coffee as an international bulk trade commodity, the global coffee output in 2015 is about 8.5 million tons, Brazil, Vietnam, Indonesia and other major producing countries accounted for 70% of the world coffee output. Last year, the global coffee consumption market was about 12 trillion yuan, the United States is the largest coffee consumption market, annual consumption of about 3 trillion yuan, while China's coffee consumption market is about 70 billion yuan