Coffee review

A cafe in Vienna charges customers a charge of 1 euro for charging.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, According to the Daily Mail of February 15, a cafe in the Austrian capital Vienna has attracted the attention of many netizens for charging customers 1 euro (7.28 yuan) for charging. It is reported that the cafe is located between several colored apartments, and its electricity bill has skyrocketed due to customers' heavy use of electricity. Galina Pokorny, the owner of the coffee shop, said that the fee of 1 euro is for those who

According to the Daily Mail of February 15, a cafe in the Austrian capital Vienna has attracted the attention of many netizens for charging customers 1 euro (7.28 yuan) for charging. It is reported that the cafe is located between several colored apartments, and its electricity bill has skyrocketed due to customers' heavy use of electricity.

Cafe owner Garina Pokorni said the fee of 1 euro is for customers who charge their phones in the store for a long time. Charging is free for about 15 minutes, but it can't be accepted for an hour.

As for the charge, she explained: "tourists are always charging, so who will pay for my electricity?" "I run a cafe, not an Internet cafe, and guests are using more and more electricity. People come here to travel and think that everything is easy to get and free. But you can't always think that everything is free. "

The fee is also for customers to use laptops and tablets, and there is a charge for every device plugged in. However, guests can still use the wireless Internet service for free in the cafe. (internship compilation: Zhong Yanzi review: Zhu Yingku)