Coffee review

Ten famous cafes in the world: four Cat Cafe (Els 4Gats)

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The four Cats Restaurant, located in the depths of a narrow alley in Barcelona's Gothic Old City, was designed by architect Puig Kada Falk in 1895 and has been open for 117 years since it opened in 1897. This is a gathering place for many artists and intellectuals, where they hold exhibitions, literary seminars and concerts. Surrounding attractions: Lambra Boulevard, Catalonia

The four Cats Restaurant, located in the depths of a narrow alley in Barcelona's Gothic Old City, was designed by architect Puig Kada Falk in 1895 and has been open for 117 years since it opened in 1897. This is a gathering place for many artists and intellectuals, where they hold exhibitions, literary seminars and concerts.

Surrounding attractions: Rambla Avenue, Catalonia Square, Bartleau House

Celebrity anecdotes: Picasso, Dali, Milo and Gaudi are all regulars here, and many artists and intellectuals gather here; in 1990, the 19-year-old Picasso held his first solo exhibition here; it was the center of the modernist movement in the late 19th century and has now become an important place for textual research on the history of modern art. Picasso also made promotional posters for four cats, which later became the cover of today's restaurant menu.

Practical information: the front of the four cats restaurant is a bar, and entering into the restaurant is the restaurant.