Coffee review

Starbucks this "secret menu" plays high to foreign netizens, but spoils the barista.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Recently, Starbucks has a pink matcha drink (MatchaPinkDrink) that has become popular. The drink originated from DailyFoodFeed, a food blogger on Instagram, who immediately attracted countless netizens to follow suit when he posted the drink on the secret menu of Starbucks. (photo from: Instagram,viaDailyfoodfeed) many people may not know

Recently, Starbucks has a "pink matcha drink" (Matcha Pink Drink) popular.

The drink originated from "DailyFoodFeed", a food blogger on Instagram, who immediately attracted countless netizens to follow suit when he posted the Starbucks "secret menu" drink online.

(picture from: Instagram, via Dailyfoodfeed)

Many people may not know that Starbucks has a service that does not list drinks on the menu according to the recipes provided by customers, and these drinks that are not on the menu are called "Secret Menu".

Many people are keen to discover Starbucks' secret recipes, such as Pink Drink, which swept the United States last summer, a "secret menu" drink made from strawberries, Brazilian berries and coconut milk, which not only tastes good but also sells well, and has once become a street shooting weapon for fashionistas.

(picture from: BuzzFeed)

This has also given rise to drinks of various colors:

(picture from: iFuun)

Recently, netizens have dug up this "pink matcha", which is the upgraded version of Pink Drink. According to the recipe given by the blogger, the drink is based on the original Pink Drink with a portion of matcha coconut milk on top of the ice.

Judging from the photos posted by the blogger, the color of the drink is so pleasing that many people say it tastes like a sorbet. However, there are also many people who get the "pink matcha" like this ↓↓↓.

(seller show and buyer show, picture from: Instagram?via crystlschtz)

Because the proportion of matcha is too high, what about the pink that ↓↓↓ said?

(picture from: Instagram?via thetravelingkelsos)

What went wrong with the mash-up...

(picture from: Instagram?via nafrayou)

A girl named "sarahjayaz" said that people should not be deceived by those beautiful photos, there is no such a dream drink:

That's how you get it, it tastes good, but with 60 grams of sugar, so, you know.

(picture from: Instagram, via Sarahjayaz)

There was also some criticism under DailyFoodFeed's original photo, and many thought it was a waste of barista's time:

Thank you so much for ruining every barista's life. Did the barista at Starbucks piss you off or something?

And Starbucks baristas say in person:

It is no exaggeration to say that the secret menu really kills me.

(picture from: Instagram, via Dailyfoodfeed)

As a Starbucks barista, I hate anyone who orders this drink, and I might spit on it.

Just before the heat of "pink matcha" went away, someone developed a "pink purple beverage": iced tea, soy milk, vanilla syrup and BlackBerry were added to Pink Drink. The color is also very girlish, but I'm afraid it will be hard for Starbucks baristas.

(picture from: Instagram,via paulsfoodhaul)

Many netizens on Reddit believe that Starbucks should charge double the price for these customers who ask for "pink and purple drinks", because it is a mixture of Pink and Purple, and baristas have to spend twice as much energy on making such a drink.

So, would you risk being rolled over by a barista and go to Starbucks for a drink on the secret menu?