Coffee review

Taipei Biological Industry Association came to Yunnan to inspect the exchange coffee industry

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Taipei Biological Industry Association came to Yunnan to inspect the exchange coffee industry. (photo Source: Yunnan Taiwan Affairs Office) Kunming, March 22 / PRNewswire-Asianet /-- with the gradual popularity of the coffee market, coffee culture is becoming more and more popular among young people. Lu Mingyang, secretary general of Taipei Biological Industry Association, who came to Yunnan to participate in the final of the fourth Chinese Pu'er Coffee Cup World siphon Pot Competition, March 16.

Taipei Biological Industry Association came to Yunnan to inspect the exchange coffee industry. (photo Source: Yunnan Taiwan Affairs Office)

Kunming, March 22 / PRNewswire-Asianet /-- with the gradual popularity of the coffee market, coffee culture is becoming more and more popular among young people. Lu Mingyang, secretary general of the Taipei Biological Industry Association, and his party, who came to Yunnan to participate in the fourth "Chinese Pu'er Coffee Cup" World siphon Pot Competition, held a discussion and exchange with the Taiwan Affairs Office of Yunnan Province on coffee industry cooperation on the morning of March 16.

Duan Lijuan, deputy director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Yunnan Province, introduced the preparations for the 6th Yuntai Conference, and asked Mr. Lu Mingyang to invite experts and scholars from Taiwan to participate in the 6th Yuntai Conference to participate in activities such as the Great Health and Biological Industry docking Conference, so as to enhance mutual understanding, seek common development and create business opportunities. At the forum, Deputy Director Duan Lijuan said that Mr. Lu Mingyang and his party are very welcome to come to Yunnan to inspect investment. Yunnan and Taiwan have their own advantages and great potential for cooperation. Through exchanges and cooperation, Taiwan's planting, management and management technology will be introduced into Yunnan and Yunnan's coffee will be made available to the world.

Xiao Chongyi, director of the Economic Affairs Department of the Provincial Taiwan Affairs Office, introduced to the guests Yunnan's unique geographical advantages, rich national culture and diversity of biological resources, and is known as the "animal kingdom", "plant kingdom" and "non-ferrous metal kingdom". After hearing the introduction, Lu Mingyang, secretary general of the Taipei Biological Industry Association, said that the main purpose of this visit to Yunnan is to understand the cultivation, processing, and market situation of coffee in Yunnan, and to seek exchanges and cooperation with coffee enterprises in Yunnan to seek common development. General Manager you Qiming, founder of Taiwan's Lanshan Coffee, excitedly described the general situation of coffee cultivation and operation in Taiwan, as well as his experience in promoting coffee life in Taiwan, hoping to jointly develop the coffee industry through the exchange and cooperation of planting technology and management ideas.