Coffee review

There are more than a thousand cafes in Kunming.

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Since Starbucks set the record for the craziest queuing in Kunming in 2011, cafes have sprung up in Kunming, and more and more coffee giants have set their sights on coffee terminal sales. there are also more and more entrepreneurs in the industry of opening coffee shops. I do not know when, the consumption of young people in Kunming has quietly shifted from Internet cafes to cafes. Coffee, zoo coffee,

Since Starbucks set the record for the craziest queuing in Kunming in 2011, cafes have sprung up in Kunming, and more and more coffee giants have begun to target coffee terminal sales. there are also more and more entrepreneurs into the industry of opening coffee shops. I do not know when, the consumption of young people in Kunming has quietly shifted from Internet cafes to cafes.

Diffuse Coffee, zoo coffee, Starbucks, Malone, Hougu, Aixin, McCoffee, Kopi Luwak. Cafes in Kunming market have sprung up from international chains to local boutiques, and even four or five cafes have gathered within 100 meters of some business circles, even on campuses.

According to the statistics of Yunnan Coffee Industry Association, there are more than 1000 coffee shops in Kunming, with a rapid growth rate. However, compared with the number of coffee shops in Shanghai and Beijing, it is only equivalent to the number of one coffee shop in Kunming. As the provincial capital city of the main coffee producing areas in China, as well as a city for tourism development, Kunming coffee has great potential for future development.

This is a big wave of the industry, there are new coffee shops every month, and some have survived and closed down sadly. Yang Yu, an entrepreneur, said, "from an optimistic point of view, coffee shops that can break even and those that lose money account for half and half, and the overall situation is better than in previous years."

Yang Yu said that there are also friends who want to open a coffee shop, but many people are still in the stage of coffee lovers and have to quit at a loss soon after coming in. Coffee shops that really want to make a profit need to be positioned in addition to their love of coffee and their own expertise. For example, to do fast consumption, it is necessary to calculate the business model, calculate the cost and profit; to do high-quality goods, we need to do a good job of technical support. At present, there are not many shops in Kunming to make boutique professional coffee, and there is still some room for development.

"now the cafes on the market are aimed at people between the ages of 20 and 40. Five to 10 years later, this group has 200 to 300 million consumers, so the market is very huge." Hu Lu, vice president of the Yunnan Coffee Industry Association, said that nowadays there are more and more cafes, on the one hand, the economic level has improved, people's living standards have improved, and on the other hand, coffee awareness is getting higher and higher. The most important aspect is that the coffee shop industry has gone through the break-even point of 2012-2013 and seen some profit points. It is expected that cafes will break out further between 2017 and 2020, with at least 1 million cafes opened across the country.

For example, many large groups are laying out in the Chinese market and even the Southeast Asian market. CP Group laid out more than 3000 coffee corners in Thailand last year, and the future Chinese market is also a goal for all parties to compete. Now, both local coffee giants and foreign coffee chains are in layout, and Kunming is a city with a century-old coffee shop, which is bound to be a point for everyone to compete for layout.