Coffee review

Coffee and Beverage Business opportunities the Ministry of Economic Affairs estimates that the turnover in 2017 exceeded 50 billion.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The Statistics Department of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the ▲ announced today (27) that the turnover of the beverage industry in 105 years was 49.1 billion yuan, which is expected to exceed 50 billion yuan this year. (photo / courtesy of the Ministry of Economic Affairs) Taiwanese love coffee and beverages, and domestic beverage shop operators are committed to developing new products. Coupled with the deep ploughing of brands and active exhibition of stores, the turnover is rising year by year. The Statistics Department of the Ministry of Economic Affairs announced today (27) the turnover of the beverage industry.

The Statistics Department of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the ▲ announced today (27) that the turnover of the beverage industry in 105 years was 49.1 billion yuan, which is expected to exceed 50 billion yuan this year. (photo / courtesy of the Ministry of Economic Affairs)

Taiwanese love to drink coffee and drinks, and domestic beverage shop operators are committed to developing new products. Coupled with the deep ploughing of brands and active exhibition of stores, the turnover is rising year by year. The Statistics Department of the Ministry of Economic Affairs announced today (27) that the turnover of the beverage industry in 105 years was 49.1 billion yuan, a record high, with an annual increase of 3.9%. The cumulative turnover from January to February 106 was 8.3 billion yuan, also a record high for the same period of the previous year, with an annual increase of 6.1%. It is expected to exceed 50 billion yuan this year.

In 105 years, the turnover of the beverage store industry was 49.1 billion yuan, a record high, with an annual increase of 3.9%. According to the observation of monthly revenue over the years by the Census and Statistics Department, the beverage industry has obvious off-peak seasons, mainly in the summer ice and beverage demand peak season in July and August, as well as the hot drink demand peak season at the end of the year.

New brands have been developed rapidly and continuously in the beverage industry. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Finance, the total number of beverage stores at the end of 105 was 20, 121, an increase of 1758 over the end of last year. The number of ice fruit and hot and cold beverage shops increased by 1379, followed by 2953 cafes, an increase of 394.

The Statistics Department pointed out that due to the fierce competition in the market, the location of beverage stores is an important issue. According to the actual survey of catering industry, the priority locations for operators are department stores accounting for 70.6%, followed by business districts accounting for 52.9%, MRT business areas accounting for 47.1%, and areas with high crowds and high mobility become the first choice for opening stores.

The Census and Statistics Department also conducted a survey on the current difficulties faced by the beverage industry, and found that the first three items in order were high staff turnover, accounting for 64.9%, high rental costs, accounting for 56.8%, and fierce competition among the industry and fluctuations in food costs, each accounting for 54.1%.

In addition, as Taiwanese pay more and more attention to the issue of food safety, coupled with the increase in the cost of raw materials and manpower in recent years, the lower barriers to entry into the beverage market and fierce competition. According to the Census and Statistics Department, the future operation and development plans of beverage stores are mainly to strengthen food safety control, develop new products "to reduce raw materials and personnel costs, and to create new brands or new outlets."