Coffee review

Seven brands such as Yunnan Pu'er Coffee were selected into the 2016 Top 100 list of Regional Brands.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Kunming, March 30 / PRNewswire-Asianet /-- according to the website of the Ministry of Commerce, the results of national well-known brand establishment demonstration zone construction and 2016 regional brand value evaluation were released in Beijing a few days ago. Yunnan Stone Forest, Pu'er Coffee, Changhong and other seven brands entered the 2016 regional brand value top 100 list. At the press conference, the China quality Certification Center released 160 regional brand value evaluations.

Kunming, March 30, People's Daily Online (Tiger Compliance Meeting) According to the website of the Ministry of Commerce, the construction of a demonstration area for the establishment of well-known brands nationwide and the evaluation results of regional brand value in 2016 were released in Beijing a few days ago. Seven brands in Yunnan Province, including "Stone Forest,""Pu 'er Coffee" and "Changning Red," entered the top 100 regional brand value lists in 2016.

At the press conference, China Quality Certification Center released 160 regional brand value evaluation results, as well as 5 lists including Top 100 Regional Brand Value List of National Famous Brand Creation Demonstration Zone in 2016, Top 10 Agricultural Regional Brand Value, Top 30 Manufacturing Regional Brand Value, Top 10 Service Industry Regional Brand Value and Top 30 Most Potential Regional Brand. In the regional brand value evaluation activities in 2016, the total value of 160 regional brands reached 1.54 trillion yuan, up 46% from 1.06 trillion yuan in 2015. The average value of regional brands was 9.634 billion yuan.

The seven brands in Yunnan Province that entered the list of top 100 regional brand values in 2016 are: Shilin, 19.326 billion yuan, ranking 21st; Pu 'er coffee, 11.136 billion yuan, ranking 35th; Tengchong tourism, 10.357 billion yuan, ranking 39th; Dendrobium longlingense, 7.515 billion yuan, ranking 57th; Changning black tea, 6.390 billion yuan, ranking 67th; Yuanyang Hani terrace, 2.609 billion yuan, ranking 95th; Yunnan black tea 2.379 billion yuan, ranked 99th.

Among the 7 brands that entered the list of top 100 regional brand values in 2016, Shilin entered the top 10 brand values in service industry regions, Pu 'er coffee and Dendrobium longling entered the top 10 brand values in agricultural regions, and Shilin, Dendrobium longling and Changning black tea also entered the top 30 regional brands with the most potential.