Coffee review

Play "World Coffee House" Shuangliu National Local Taxation Focus Free Trade Zone Construction

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, On the afternoon of April 10, 2017, the coffee fragrance wafted in the second conference room of Shuangliu Free Trade Administration Bureau. It turned out that Shuangliu District State Local Taxation Bureau and Shuangliu Free Trade Administration Bureau were carrying out a political tax enterprise salon activity for enterprises in the free trade zone to play around the world coffee house and concentrate on the construction of the free trade zone. The host divided the 15 participating enterprises, such as Chengdu Airlines and Debang Logistics, into three groups, consisting of local tax and national tax.

On the afternoon of April 10, 2017, the smell of coffee curled in the second conference room of the Shuangliu Free Trade Administration. It turned out that the three units of the Shuangliu Local Taxation Bureau and the Shuangliu Free Trade Administration were conducting a "play around the world coffee shop" for enterprises in the free trade zone. "gather the construction of free trade zone'" government, tax and enterprise salon activities.

The host divided the 15 enterprises participating in the meeting into three groups, including Chengdu Airlines and Debang Logistics. The three business backbones of the Land Taxation, National Taxation and Free Trade Administration respectively served as table managers at the three round tables, in the form of "World Cafe". Closely around the three themes of tax services, tax preferential policies and policy support, we will discuss and exchange, gather the efforts of the three families, answer questions and worries for enterprises in the free trade zone, and jointly build a pro-business environment.

On April 1, 2017, the China (Sichuan) Free Trade pilot Zone was officially unveiled. The construction of Shuangliu Free Trade pilot Zone has been officially launched, marking a new era of Shuangliu's "free trade + airport".

It is reported that the Shuangliu District State Local Taxation Bureau will resonate on the same frequency, take "Internet + taxation" as a breakthrough, and carry out "policy guidance" among enterprises in the free trade zone in the form of "thousands of party members entering enterprises,"tax law sent by directors," and "Spring Festival visits." the first time all kinds of preferential tax policies will be sent to enterprises to jointly open a new chapter in the construction of the free trade zone.