Coffee review

The smell of coffee wafted from the harbor of the soul

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Xiao Wang's child has always had a fever recently, and she feels helpless. At noon, she came to the staff coffee bar, made a cup of coffee and chatted with her little sister. In the afternoon, following the reasonable suggestions, she devoted herself to her work in high spirits. In recent years, the trade union of Shanghai Land consolidation Center attaches great importance to the mental health of workers and has created a staff coffee bar in the core area of the office. fifteen

Xiao Wang's child has always had a fever recently, and she feels helpless. At noon, she came to the staff coffee bar, made a cup of coffee and chatted with her little sister. In the afternoon, following the reasonable suggestions, she devoted herself to her work in high spirits.

In recent years, the trade union of Shanghai Land consolidation Center attaches great importance to the mental health of workers and has created a staff coffee bar in the core area of the office. The space of 15 square meters is fully equipped with two-door refrigerator, automatic coffee maker, cold and hot straight drinking machine, coffee table with lift, magnetic billboard, and daily refreshments, fruit and milk. This coffee bar gives employees a space to rest, talk and communicate apart from their busy, fast-paced work. Therefore, it is called "spiritual harbor" by staff and workers.

Give workers "psychological welfare" to enhance their happiness, which is the original intention of the center's trade union to set up a coffee bar. In order to convey a warm and fresh atmosphere, the coffee bar uses energy-saving and environmentally friendly materials and decorates with elements of rural art. Recycled coffee grounds can also be used for replanting. At noon every day, workers often spontaneously gather in this area, holding a cup of strong coffee, discussing the problems encountered at work and talking about the bottlenecks encountered in their career development; young mothers communicate and share their parenting experiences. Through communication and self-regulation as well as psychological growth, workers love the "spiritual harbor" more and more.

Recently, the central trade union has strengthened its cultural construction. Every week, trade union activists will print and post the health information collected and sorted out on the bulletin board; through the skillful hands of female workers, fresh flowers will be turned into works of art arranging flowers in coffee bars; monthly statistics of "healthy walking" will make the workers cheer up and devote themselves to the walking activity of "get moving, walk up and make you healthy". The photographic works, calligraphy and paintings, and articles of the staff and workers are on display here, showing the artistic and aesthetic taste of the staff. Important information and activities, such as the disclosure of internal affairs and the management of the business work of the unit, will also be announced at the coffee bar for the first time. No wonder the staff said that the small coffee bar, but played a "warm heart, strong heart, heart" role.