Coffee review

Follow-up to "murder in downtown cafes": police track down "$38" rumor mongers

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In the follow-up to the murder of a downtown cafe, the police are tracking down a rumor-monger, Liuzhou, at 5: 00 p.m. on April 10, a fight took place on the second floor of a cafe in the center of Liuzhou, and related videos were circulated online. Some netizens said that in the fight, a man was stabbed 38 times and died on the spot. What's the truth? On April 11, the Liuzhou police informed the media of the investigation and handling of the incident. April tenth

Follow-up to the murder of downtown cafes

The police are tracking down the "$38" rumor monger

Liuzhou News on April 10 at about 5: 00 p.m., a fight occurred on the second floor of a cafe in the center of Liuzhou, and related videos circulated on the Internet. Some netizens said that in the fight, a man was stabbed 38 times and died on the spot. What's the truth? On April 11, the Liuzhou police informed the media of the investigation and handling of the incident.

At 05:35 on April 10, the 110th Command Center of Liuzhou Public Security Bureau received a report that someone was fighting with a knife and someone was injured at the scene in a cafe on the second floor of Bubugao Plaza, Liuzhou Square Road. The police of the liberation police station rushed to the scene to deal with it, controlled by the five men who had a fight, and sent the injured to hospital.

After investigation and verification, the conflict was caused by a mortgage dispute. The man in question, Wang, 24, from Meishan County, Sichuan Province, came to a microfinance company in Liunan District of Liuzhou City a few months ago to mortgage an iPhone. In the process of handling the formalities, Wang took advantage of the unprepared staff to replace the mobile phone with a model and defrauded 5000 yuan of mortgage before leaving.

After the incident, the above-mentioned companies reported the case to the police and found out the whereabouts of Wang. On April 10, 2017, when the company learned that Wang had posted information online that mobile phones and accessories were for sale, the company asked someone to ask Wang out on the grounds of buying mobile phone accessories to meet at the site of the incident.

At about 5: 00 p.m. on the same day, Wang met with four people from the above-mentioned company and clashed and fought each other. In the meantime, some people on both sides were injured to varying degrees. Wang injured the ring finger and little finger of his left hand and was sent to hospital for treatment, which was not life-threatening. The other three injured people were not seriously injured.

After the incident, someone posted a video of the conflict between the two sides on the Internet. In the process of reposting, some netizens joined the video of the incident that happened in other places, saying that "the man was stabbed 38 times in the Liuzhou man's cafe" and "the man who was stabbed unfortunately died", causing concern. An investigation by the Liuzhou police confirmed that some of the videos circulated on the Internet were videos of a shopping mall incident that took place in Wujin District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province on the same day. At present, the police are tracking down the rumor mongers.

At present, the five suspects involved in the conflict have been under the control of the police and the case is under further investigation.