Coffee review

Technology talk: why do you talk about graphene when you drink coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, ■ from project declaration to assessment and evaluation, all aspects of scientific research activities should be adjusted to follow the law of interdisciplinary development. Not long ago, a university professor focused on basic research in interdisciplinary areas poured out grievances to the author. We use physical methods to solve chemical problems in order to develop catalysts with better performance. Can go to the physics department to apply for the project, the physics department said that this is to do chemical industry

From project declaration to assessment and evaluation, ■ should adjust all aspects of scientific research activities in order to follow the law of interdisciplinary development.

Not long ago, a university professor who specializes in basic research in interdisciplinary areas poured out his grievances to the author. We use physical methods to solve chemical problems in order to develop catalysts with better performance. Can go to the physics department to apply for the project, the physics department said that this is to do chemical industry, please go to the chemical department to apply. When I applied to the Department of Chemical Engineering, they said that it was a physical method and that I should apply to the Department of Physics. "

The professor was very depressed when he was kicked around as a "ball". His embarrassment is indeed a microcosm of the current hindrance in the development of interdisciplines.

Cross-discipline, as its name implies, is a discipline category that integrates the strengths of disciplines and integrates multiple means to solve specific scientific problems. In the practice of some disciplines, it is easier to find new growing points of scientific research in interdisciplinary fields. when single-disciplinary research develops to a certain extent, it is often necessary to use other disciplinary methods or means to overcome difficult problems.

Many major scientific and technological achievements are the products of interdisciplinary disciplines. Nanotechnology, for example, integrates disciplines such as physics, materials science and chemistry, and quantum communication technology, which brings together quantum mechanics, communication theory and computer science. Environmental archaeology, for example, is also a combination of geology, climatology, environmental science and other disciplines. The contribution of interdisciplinary disciplines is obvious to all in terms of population health, energy, agriculture, military industry and other important aspects.

However, the experience of the professor is not uncommon. In the expert review stage, cross-disciplines will encounter similar helplessness. For example, a project that intersects life sciences and physics invites experts in biology who don't think the project is "pure" enough. Ask experts in physics, who think it's "too simple" and just a physical application. As a result, no one is willing to judge, and there are few "generalists" who can judge. Not only that, there is a lack of clearer regulations on assessment and evaluation, personnel mobility, and attribution of achievements, coupled with the difficulty and high risk of cross-discipline, which is not successful as soon as it is crossed, which often discourages researchers in cross-disciplines. it may even make the category slide to the edge.

In fact, the state has been calling for the strengthening of basic science and cutting-edge technology research, especially interdisciplinary research. The National Natural Science Foundation of China has also increased its efforts to encourage cross-disciplines and make corresponding adjustments in financial support. However, in the specific implementation, we still need to improve and refine the rules.

First of all, it is necessary to change the status quo that the division of disciplines is too "rigid". The scientific research system of our country is based on the traditional discipline classification. Although the disciplines are cross-integrated, the system is still inclined to the development of a single discipline. From project declaration to assessment and evaluation, all aspects of scientific research activities should be adjusted to follow the law of interdisciplinary development and break down the numerous barriers encountered by interdisciplinary and cross-institutional organizations.

Secondly, the academic atmosphere of cross-discipline integration should be encouraged. Some scholars say that foreign graphene technology comes from drinking coffee-many professors from different professional backgrounds sit together to drink coffee, express their strengths, liberate their minds and come up with new ideas. Because, only through in-depth exchange and reference, the discipline can be really integrated, rather than superficial.

In addition, a teaching and personnel training system to promote the development of cross-disciplines should be established. Without a rich knowledge structure and a broader academic background, it is difficult for researchers to think of better integration. In the talent reserve of scientific and technological innovation, efforts should be made to train compound scientific research talents, strengthen the contingent of talents, and promote the prosperity of cross-disciplines.