Coffee review

The bottleneck in the development of Baoshan small-grain coffee is the key to improve the processing level.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, It is understood that Baoshan small grain coffee is the earliest product in line with the market and the international market. It has been rated as the best coffee in the world by world-class coffee experts for many years, but now its development has encountered a bottleneck. Since most of the primary processing of peeling and degumming is done by the farmers themselves, it is difficult to unify the technology and quality standards, resulting in different quality of the newly processed coffee beans.

It is understood that Baoshan small grain coffee is the earliest product in line with the market and the international market. It has been rated as the best coffee in the world by world-class coffee experts for many years, but now its development has encountered a bottleneck. As most of the primary processing of peeling and degumming is completed by the farmers themselves, it is difficult to unify the technology and quality standards, resulting in different quality of the newly processed coffee beans, thus affecting the price. To this end, some enterprises actively adjust the industrial structure, committed to take the boutique coffee route, the introduction of peeling and degumming all-in-one machine, greatly improve the initial processing level of coffee, but also get a larger market and profit space.

The bottleneck in the development of Baoshan small-grain coffee is the key to improve the processing level.

When the first ray of sunshine of the New year falls on the earth, the small grains of coffee in the dry and hot valley of Lujiangba in Longyang District have absorbed sufficient nutrients and bear red fruit. Lujiangba, which is located in a corner, is also closely in line with the international market because of this grain of "red bean".

Baoshan Coffee, which has witnessed resplendence and walked out of the trough, has never been so entangled and expected as it is today. Some people do not see the hope of development in the entanglement, and reluctantly dig up coffee trees for more than 20 years and plant vegetables and fruits with faster money; some people are looking forward to exploring new ways to cultivate better quality coffee seedlings, expand coffee business area, and revive the glory of Baoshan small-grain coffee.

Where does Baoshan small grain coffee go, and how can a "red bean" recreate the glory of the past? At the beginning of the new year, the reporter went into Lujiang Farm, which was the first to grow small grains of coffee, to find out.

History: excellent quality, honor, etc.

Although it is the middle of winter, Lujiang Dam, which is located in the dry and hot valley, is still shining brightly. An Zibin, party branch secretary and captain of the Xiaopingtian team of Lujiang Farm in Lujiang Town, recalled that Baoshan City had successfully planted coffee in Lujiangba since 1952 in Yunnan Tropical and Subtropical Economic crop Research Institute. In 1956, the state-owned Lujiang Farm successfully introduced a series of Arabica varieties in Lujiangba, which was the earliest area of large-scale cultivation and industrialization development in Yunnan Province. At that time, coffee was successfully planted by parents in Lujiang.

Small grains of coffee quickly take root, which is closely related to the unique climatic conditions of Baoshan. Li Honge, director of Baoshan Jingzuo Station and senior agronomist, said that Lujiangba is located in the dry and hot valley with distinct dry and wet seasons, no cold in winter and no heat in summer. October to April is the dry season, with small humidity and large temperature difference between day and night, which is conducive to the accumulation of dry matter; from May to September is the wet season, high humidity, more cloudy days, few sunshine, small temperature difference between day and night, which is conducive to the growth of small grains of coffee.

"determined by the Yunnan quality Inspection Center, the roasted Baoshan small-grain coffee has the characteristics of high protein, crude fiber, crude fat, sucrose and low caffeine content." Li Honge said. For many years, Baoshan small Coffee is famous for its good quality and has been rated as the best coffee in the world by world-class coffee experts.

As early as 1958 at the International Coffee tasting Conference held in London, England, Baoshan Coffee was rated as first-class and famous all over the world; in 1980, the South Asian Hot Zone Office of the State Council listed Baoshan as one of the national coffee production bases; in 1984, it was praised by Chinese and foreign coffee experts as "the crown of Chinese coffee". At the first China Agricultural Expo in 1992, the coffee selected by Lujiang won the highest award. In 1993, he won the "Eureka" gold medal at the World Coffee Competition held in Brussels, Belgium. A series of honors have witnessed the process of Baoshan becoming the best coffee producing area and important production base in China.

In 2010, Baoshan small grain coffee geographical indication product protection successfully passed the expert review of the General Administration of quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine. It was the first geographical indication protection product declared successfully in our province that year, and it was also the first approved protection product in Baoshan City. It not only fills the gap of Baoshan geographical indication protection products with intellectual property rights, but also lays a foundation for the development of Baoshan coffee industry.

At present, in the dry and hot valleys of the Nujiang and Lancang River basins in Baoshan, small grains of coffee are planted in more than 20 hot towns in the city. As of last year, the planting area of Baoshan coffee was 260000 mu, with a total output of 35000 tons, with an output value of 1.01 billion yuan, ranking third in the province and second in total output. Baoshan small grain coffee has been exported to Britain, France, Spain, Canada, the United States, Russia and other countries, and entered the Thai market for the first time, earning more than 30 million US dollars from exports, which is generally praised by foreign customers. At present, coffee is the agricultural product in Baoshan that earns the most foreign exchange and sells the most online.

Current situation: many brands of curry enterprises are weak

Reviewing the development history of Baoshan small-grain coffee industry in the last century, it has mainly experienced four stages: the initial stage in the 1950s, the decline stage from the early 1960s to the late 1970s, the restart stage in the late 1980s and the rapid development stage in the mid-1990s.

Data show that, especially in the late 1980s, with the participation of the Yunnan project assisted by the United Nations Development Program and the specialized coffee production groups such as Nestle and McDonnell, the price of coffee increased, and the maximum price of coffee beans was 30 yuan per kilogram. Baoshan small grain coffee started again, and the planting area of coffee in Baoshan City was nearly 30,000 mu in 1997. "at that time, coffee could earn more than 5000 yuan per mu, which was the highest income crop at that time. Our farm began to grow a lot of coffee again, and the planting area expanded rapidly." An Zibin said.

But the good times did not last long. In 2002, when coffee was harvested and sown, the price of coffee fell to a low point because of the oversupply in the international market, and coffee beans fell from 20 yuan per kilogram to 7 yuan per kilogram. In 2003, Baoshan small grain coffee was hit by SARS, and the price fell all the way to 5 yuan per kilogram, falling below the cost price, and the farmer was miserable. The depressed price continued to take a turn for the better in 2004, and the price reached its peak in 2010, with 42 yuan per kilogram of coffee beans and an output value of nearly 10,000 yuan per mu. Prices have since experienced another round of decline.

Baoshan small Grain Coffee, which is the earliest product in line with the market and the international market, is experiencing a roller coaster. In their decades of cultivation, many farmers have experienced rising coffee prices-planting trees, falling prices-and the pain of cutting down trees, always following the market and unable to keep pace with the market.

Among the comparative benefits, some farmers who have no hope have dug up the coffee trees that have been planted for more than 30 years and planted more profitable vegetables and fruits. "Cafe farmers dig coffee trees every year. Our team used to grow more than 400 mu of coffee, but now there are still 200 mu left." An Zibin said that his family dug up more than 4 mu of coffee and planted Moringa trees last year.

Why can't high-quality Baoshan small grains of coffee bring considerable benefits? The reason is that Baoshan small grain coffee is a buyer's market rather than a seller's market.

The coffee planting unit is dominated by farmers, and the initial processing method of Baoshan small-grain coffee lags behind. At present, most of the primary processing of peeling and degumming is completed by the farmers themselves, so it is difficult to unify the technology and quality standards, resulting in different quality of the newly processed coffee beans, thus affecting the price.

From the perspective of product structure, although there are more than 60 enterprises and cooperatives engaged in coffee production and processing in Baoshan, there is a phenomenon of being scattered and weak, and an influential brand has not been formed, resulting in raw beans, the main export product of coffee in Baoshan Coffee. It accounts for 90% of the total output, and only about 10% of the commercial beans enter the field of deep processing. The price of coffee beans is controlled in the hands of the buyer's market. Baoshan small grain coffee has no say and small profit margin, so it can only do wedding clothes for others.

The future: great potential and broad prospects

According to the relevant data of the coffee industry, compared with the global average growth rate of 2%, China's coffee consumption is growing at an astonishing rate of 15% a year, making it the most potential coffee consumption country in the world. China's coffee industry has huge room for development in the future.

Opportunities are in front of us. In the future competition in the coffee industry, how can Baoshan small Coffee get further development?

In recent years, with the joint efforts of the party committees and governments at all levels, relevant departments, leading enterprises and the broad masses of farmers and the pull of domestic and foreign markets, Baoshan City has developed in the direction of "scale, industrialization, standardization, brand, and ecology". Committed to the coffee industry into hot areas to increase farmers' income, rural wealth, agricultural efficiency advantage industry.

Li Honge said that for many years, Baoshan has been strengthening the scientific and technological support for the cultivation and processing of small-grain coffee, supported by the scientific and technological projects of the Provincial Department of Agriculture, the Provincial Department of Finance, the Provincial Department of Water Resources, and the South Asia Office of the Ministry of Agriculture. Land management, farmland irrigation, standardized cultivation, construction of standard garden, shade planting, introduction of new varieties, integrated control of diseases and insect pests, integrated processing of peeling and degumming were carried out. It has laid the foundation for the development of coffee industry.

Coffee enterprises have also taken action, some enterprises have been committed to take the boutique coffee route, restore the cultivation of the old variety of small grain coffee Tiebika, the introduction of peeling and degumming all-in-one machine to improve the initial processing level of coffee, in order to obtain a larger market and profit space, the emergence of civet coffee, masked palm civet coffee, round bean coffee, hanging ear coffee and other rich varieties of characteristic products. The sales mode of deep processing products is also constantly diversified, such as online, offline and physical stores, orders and so on. At present, eight provincial leading enterprises have emerged, including Yunfu, Hemei, Gaolaozhuang, Yatong, Xinzhai, Baihushan, Xincheng and Beaton, and 13 coffee enterprises involved in foreign trade exports.

In addition, in recent years, Baoshan City has successively set up Gaoligong Mountain Lujiangba small Coffee Association, special coffee service exchange center, coffee expert workstation and so on, to create a modern coffee planting, production and sales industry chain. And successively held the second Lujiangba Coffee Culture Tourism Festival and the finals of the 2016 Yunnan Coffee Cup China Brewing Competition, which greatly enhanced the brand image of "Baoshan small Coffee" and provided quality service and support platform for Baoshan small Coffee Brand to go deeper into the country and the world.

On December 16 last year, at the opening ceremony of the second Yunnan Coffee Cup China Brewing Competition and Baoshan Coffee Culture Festival, Huang Xiao, member of the standing Committee of the Baoshan Municipal CPC Committee and vice mayor of Baoshan City, said that during the 13th five-year Plan period, Baoshan will firmly seize the great opportunity that "China's coffee consumption will usher in a blowout era" and give full play to the germplasm resources and quality competitive advantages of Baoshan small-grain coffee under the guidance of "agricultural scale". To consolidate and enhance the existing area of the best suitable area of Gaoligong Mountain tourist Resort Management Committee, Longyang District and Longling County as the focus, in accordance with the principle of phasing out sub-suitable areas and moderately developing the best suitable areas. By 2020, the total planting area of the city's high-quality curry garden will reach 300000 mu and the total output will reach 50, 000 tons, of which boutique coffee accounts for about 40% of the total output, and the output value will double that at the end of the 12th five-year Plan, reaching 2 billion yuan. We will comprehensively enhance the international competitiveness and market share of Baoshan small-grain coffee.