Coffee review

Contribute a cup to support Earth Day. Starbucks thanks you with coffee.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, This April, Starbucks green whirlwind hit again, the Earth Moon activity with the theme of loving the earth and giving a cup of strength, calling on partners and customers to love the earth together, turn environmental protection actions into daily habits, and make small efforts to create a better future for the earth. At the same time, the well-designed Starbucks environmental protection-themed goods and genie-themed goods combine the combination of art and environmental protection.

This April, Starbucks Green whirlwind hit again, the Earth Moon event with the theme of "Love the Earth, contribute a Cup", calling on partners and customers to love the earth together, turn environmental protection actions into daily habits, and make small efforts to create a better future for the earth. At the same time, the well-designed Starbucks environmental protection-themed goods and genie-themed goods combine the dual connotations of art and environmental protection, and inject ingenuity and creativity into the daily life of environmentalists.

Act together to lighten the burden on the earth

From 9 a.m. to 12:00 on Earth Day, Starbucks will hold the "Thank you with Coffee" event on Earth Day for the fourth year in a row. Starbucks will give back a cup of freshly brewed drip coffee to customers who bring their own mugs or mugs to Chinese mainland stores. The top 20 lucky customers in each store can also win Starbucks' star drink, the smooth and fragrant cold iced coffee.

Environmental protection is one of the important contents of Starbucks' social responsibility. Starbucks has been offering discounts to customers who bring their own cups since 1985, saving tens of millions of paper cups worldwide each year. Currently, at any Chinese mainland store, customers who use their own cups to buy Starbucks hand-made drinks can enjoy a 3 yuan discount.

With a little effort, you and I are both green experts.

While calling on everyone to act again to lighten the burden on our planet, Starbucks also launched a series of environmentally friendly product designs, advocating light life and encouraging customers to protect the environment. From environmentally friendly star cards that are easy to degrade and close to nature, to products such as mugs and accompanying cups with genie themes, the charm of spring and the concept of environmental protection have been deeply rooted in the design and material selection stage of each commodity.

At the same time, during the just-launched Starbucks Global Service month, Starbucks partner volunteers have blown a small green whirlwind in the community where the store is located to make the planet a better place in a variety of ways, such as clean communities and low-carbon life.

Start with a cup of coffee in your hand, start the spring life of Starbucks, start with everything around you, and realize the dream of green environmental protection. In the spring blooming season, join Starbucks "Love the Earth" green torrent, together with Starbucks, to protect the earth "make a cup of effort".