Coffee review

The threshold for Australian immigrants has been lowered, and it is no longer a dream to open a cafe in Sydney.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, If you want to emigrate, choose the state first and then the city. If you had the opportunity to emigrate to Australia, which city would you choose to settle in? Before answering this question, take a look at the census data released by Australia last week to determine which state you are going to. Data show that in New South Wales, Australian immigrants from China outnumber British immigrants for the first time.

If you want to emigrate, it is reliable to choose the state before the city.

If you had the opportunity to emigrate to Australia, which city would you choose to settle in?

Before answering this question, take a look at the census data released by Australia last week to determine which state you are going to.


Data show that in New South Wales, Australian immigrants from China surpassed British and other ethnic immigrants for the first time, becoming the group with the largest number of immigrants in New South Wales.

Census data also show that in Queensland, immigrants from New Zealand make up the majority; in Victoria, Indian immigrants account for the majority. However, from the perspective of Australia, British immigrants are still the main immigrants. Starting from June, the number of British immigrants in Australia will reach 1.2 million. At present, there are 607000 New Zealand immigrants, 526000 Chinese immigrants and 468000 Indian immigrants in Australia.


Thus, choosing which state to go to is not just about the preferred behavior after a comprehensive measure of employment, health care and educational resources, but also about what kind of people your neighbors will be after you settle down.

If you live in Kunzhou, you may be invited by enthusiastic and food-loving New Zealand neighbors to participate in their barbecue ladder on weekends.

If you plan to go to Victoria, be prepared to be tortured by the fighter planes of the English world and Indian English with an extremely difficult accent. However, under the cultivation of your Indian neighbors, your English ability will soon reach the level of seeking defeat alone.

Of course, if you still like to stay in places with a large number of Chinese, then NSW may be the best place for you.


| New South Wales is open to more Chinese immigrants

Although there is a story of "Meng mother's three migrations" in ancient China, having a good neighbor is only the icing on the cake rather than a decisive factor in choosing the place of emigration. For new immigrants, the immigration policy of a region (including requirements for age, assets, work experience, etc.) is the real factor determining whether you will live here or not. Next, let's look at the real reasons behind the increase in the number of Chinese immigrants in NSW from the changes in immigration policies of the three major states in 2016.

1. New South Wales (capital: Sydney)

New South Wales is Australia's most populous state with the highest level of urbanization and industrialization. It is also an economically strong state, accounting for 1/3 of Australia's gross domestic product. NSW's major cities are Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong and so on. Sydney, the capital, is the largest city in Australia and the economic center of the whole of Australia. NSW has many high-quality educational resources, and the children of NSW immigrants can enjoy world-class education here.


Photo: Sydney Opera House

In 2016, NSW issued the following new policies one after another:

January 1: the NSW government fully liberalizes restrictions on small business industries. Since then, investors can emigrate to Australia by running small businesses such as cafes and restaurants in Sydney.

January 29: NSW shortens the time for state nominations for 132 visas for business genius immigrants.

March 1: NSW greatly simplifies the 188A visa application process for entrepreneurial immigrants. These include simplified business plan (BP) requirements, investors do not have to travel to Sydney to visit business projects, and full deregulation of the industry.

May 27th: NSW announces a sharp drop in household assets from A $1.3 million to A $800000.

August 25: NSW once again emphasizes a significant reduction in the approval time for state nominations for 132 visas for talented business immigrants.

two。 Queensland (capital: Brisbane)

Queensland is Australia's second largest state, known as the "Sunshine State". Queensland has a number of theme parks and national parks, which is a famous tourist and holiday resort in Australia. The state is rich in mineral resources, developed agriculture and animal husbandry, and its capital, Brisbane, is the third largest city in Australia. The Gold Coast is a famous marine tourist resort city in the world.


Photo: the Sunshine Coast of Queensland

On July 25, 2016, Queensland's new policy on investment immigration came into effect.

The Queensland government has joined the battle for investment immigrants in Australia at an all-time low. Compared with the old policy, the new policy in Kunzhou has the following changes:

188A visa for entrepreneurial immigrants:

1. The amount of investment dropped to 200000 Australian dollars, a sharp drop of 1.5 million yuan.

two。 Eliminate the differentiation of regional investment, starting from A $200000 for unified investment regardless of region.

3. Lift restrictions on investment in the industry.

Business genius immigrant 132 visa:

1. The amount of investment dropped to 1 million Australian dollars, a sharp drop of 7.5 million yuan.

two。 Lift investment restrictions in the industry

3. Cancel the requirement to hire employees

4. Relax the requirements for business plans

5. Relax the age limit for 132 visas (you can do it over the age of 55).

3. Victoria (capital: Melbourne)

Victoria, known as the "Garden State", is a traditional economic state in Australia. Melbourne, the capital, has been rated as the best livable city in the world for five consecutive years, and it is also a popular city settled by Chinese immigrants. It has been rated as the most livable city in the world for several years in a row.


Picture: University of Melbourne

In 2016, there was no major change in Victoria's investment immigration policy, and the conditions and requirements for immigration applications remained basically unchanged. However, because the investment immigration requirements and application difficulties in Victoria are generally lower than those in NSW, Victoria has always been more popular with the Chinese immigrant community.

It can be clearly seen that the immigration policies of NSW and Kunzhou are mainly adjusted around the Australian business immigrant 188A visa and the business genius immigrant 132 visa. The immigration applicants for these two types of visas are mainly Chinese entrepreneurs, and the old policy has always made Chinese immigrant applicants think that NSW's immigration program is superior, high investment requirements, restrictions, and like to shut people out. This has led most Chinese entrepreneurs to choose Melbourne, which is more immigration-friendly, as their starting point for doing business and starting businesses in Australia.

The two most significant changes in NSW's immigration policy are the full liberalization of restrictions on small businesses and lower requirements for household assets.

These two changes reveal an extremely important message: compared with Victoria and Kunzhou, NSW not only lowered the threshold for accepting immigrants in 2016, but also provided more possibilities for new immigrants to choose their careers after immigration.

This is absolutely good for Chinese entrepreneur immigrants, and undoubtedly more attractive for the middle class who do not meet the requirements for skilled migration but have accumulated certain assets. After emigration, Chinese people generally like to start their own small businesses, such as opening a coffee shop, a restaurant, a supermarket, a flower shop, etc., which is not subject to the requirements of language skills in the workplace, but also flexible in time. This new immigration policy is in line with the immigrant psychology of many Chinese, so the rapid increase in the number of Chinese immigrants in NSW is also reasonable.


Under the blue sea and blue sky, standing at the wharf of Sydney Harbor, facing the cool sea breeze, enjoying the beautiful figure of the Sydney Bridge under the molten sunset, or about a couple of friends, go to the Sydney Opera House to enjoy an opera, or go to the University of Sydney to attend an interesting class. Such a picturesque life can now be achieved by opening a cafe in Sydney. Would you like to join us?