Coffee review

British companies develop completely degradable coffee cups

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, A British company called BiomeBioplastics has developed a world-class disposable coffee cup made entirely of bioplastics. The new product can be completely degraded and disposable cups and lids can be recycled, aiming to reduce pollution caused by coffee cups, the company said in a statement on April 18. BiomeBioplastics in the past

A British company called BiomeBioplastics has developed a world-class disposable coffee cup made entirely of bioplastics.


The new product can be completely degraded and disposable cups and lids can be recycled, aiming to reduce pollution caused by coffee cups, the company said in a statement on April 18.

In the past five years, BiomeBioplastics has been working on coffee cups, coffee cup lids and coffee capsules made of biopolymers.

Company CEOPaulMines says that while many merchants recycle coffee cups, most coffee cup lids are made of polystyrene and cannot be completely recycled even if they are placed in the right trash can.

The company says the coffee cup will degrade into carbon dioxide and water after being recycled and stored under appropriate conditions for three months.