Coffee review

World knowledge Press Beijing World knowledge Bookstore (Coffee Bookstore) officially opened

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, Ma Fengchun, president of the World knowledge Publishing House, delivered a speech to the guest at the scene-"the Notes of doctors of my African Medical team for Ten years of Aid to Africa." the launch of the new book was held ceremoniously on April 23, World Reading Day. In the quiet dry noodle alley beside Jinbao Street, came the mellow smell of coffee. World knowledge Publishing House directly under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Beijing World knowledge Bookstore (Coffee Bookstore) officially opened for readers, authors,

Ma Fengchun, president of World knowledge Publishing House, delivered a speech.

On-site guests

-the launch of the new book "my decade in Africa-Doctor's Notes of the African Medical team" was held ceremoniously.

On April 23, World Reading Day, in the quiet dry noodle hutong along Jinbao Street, the mellow smell of coffee floated. The World knowledge Publishing House Beijing World knowledge Bookstore (Coffee House) directly under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has officially opened, providing an ideal place for readers, authors and friends at home and abroad to enjoy good books and coffee and hold cultural exchange activities. it also makes the World knowledge Publishing House, which has a history of 83 years, rejuvenated.

A traditional Chinese painting, "the Pioneer of New China diplomacy", hung on one wall of the World knowledge Bookstore in Beijing, eulogizing the grace of the first generation of outstanding diplomats on the diplomatic front of our country. Above a precious coffee machine hung a group photo of Mr. Mei Baojiu, an old neighbor and friend of the World knowledge Publishing House, and President Ma Fengchun. The coffee machine was a gift from Mr. Mei. The corner of the study also displays football and jerseys signed by Ronaldinho and other world football stars.

The picture on the left of the wall shows President Ma Fengchun and Peking Opera master Mei Baojiu taking a group photo. The coffee maker was given by Mr. Mei on the table.

On the opening day of the World knowledge Bookstore (Coffee Bookstore) in Beijing, it ushered in the launch of the new book "my decade in Africa-Doctor's Notes of the African Medical team".

More than 50 guests from the Ethiopian Embassy in China, the Africa Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the International Exchange and Cooperation Center of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, the Sanmenxia Central Hospital of Henan Province, and domestic and foreign media attended the event.

Ma Fengchun, president of the World knowledge Publishing House, said in his speech: the World knowledge Publishing House, which was founded in 1934, was one of the earliest substantive cultural bridges between China and the world, and later became a unit directly under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Shoulder the important task of carrying out cultural diplomacy and promoting people-to-people exchanges. Our purpose of holding the launching ceremony of the new book "my African decade" is to introduce to readers in China, Africa and the world the history of China-Africa cooperation that has re-entered the public view in the way of "Belt and Road Initiative". There is such a touching group as the Chinese medical aid team for Africa. My decade in Africa is not only a personal history of foreign spiritual growth, but also a witness to the friendship between China and Africa. The author, Dr. Han Minxian, left his wife and daughter, braved hardships, dedicated his best years to the people of Africa, and devoted himself to the medical cause of foreign aid in the motherland. In Africa, he has treated more than 30,000 patients and is a hero in the eyes of the African people. These are just the concentration of the countless deeds of more than 20,000 Chinese medical volunteers over the past half a century. Finally, he expressed the hope that this bookish coffee shop can become a place of ideological vitality, a place of intellectual inspiration, and a place of righteousness.

The author delivered a speech on the people's Constitution.

In his speech, the author, Dr. Kui Minxian, said: I am an old medical member of foreign aid and have worked and lived in Africa for ten years. I think I have the responsibility to write something for the future medical team members, to provide them with some experience and reference, but also want to leave memories for their own life. Subsequently, he thanked Dr. Zuma, former Chairman of the African Union Commission, Ambassador Kuan Weilin, head of the Chinese Mission to the African Union, Ambassador La Yifan, Ambassador of the Chinese Embassy in Ethiopia, and others for writing the preface to the book. he also thanked the World knowledge Publishing House, the National Health and Family Planning Commission, Henan Health and Family Planning Commission, Sanmenxia City Health Bureau and Sanmenxia Central Hospital.

Speech by Tesom Hamito, Cultural Counsellor of the Ethiopian Embassy in China

Gou Haodong, Minister of the Chinese Embassy in Tanzania, delivered a speech.

Teshome S. Hamito, Cultural Counsellor of Ethiopian Embassy in China, Gou Haodong, Public Counsellor of Chinese Embassy in Tanzania, Director of Integrated Office of Africa Department, Zheng Yan, Director of Foreign Aid Project Management Department of International Exchange and Cooperation Center of National Health and Family Planning Commission, Mao Tianmin, Vice President of Sanmenxia Central Hospital of Henan Province, congratulated the author Dr. Qian Minxian on publishing his new book. I would like to express my high respect to the Chinese foreign aid medical team represented by Dr. Li, and talk freely about the friendship between the Chinese and African peoples and the bright prospects of Sino-African friendly cooperation.

Zhang Shaohong, editor-in-chief of World knowledge Publishing House, presided over the opening ceremony of Beijing World knowledge Bookstore (Coffee Bookstore) and the launch of new books. he welcomed everyone to come to the coffee shop to read selected books and periodicals and taste coffee with excellent materials. Baristas from Ethiopia, the birthplace of coffee, performed a wonderful coffee ceremony and prepared exquisite fancy coffee for everyone, so that the guests could feast their eyes and mouth.

"my decade in Africa-doctors' Notes of Aid to Africa" is published by World knowledge Publishing House. In the book, the author, Dr. Li Minxian, describes his experience of assisting Africa in medical work over the past ten years: he has successfully performed nearly 3,000 surgical operations and saved more than 30,000 patients; he has cured many difficult and complicated cases, carried out many difficult and major operations, and filled the local medical gap. Because of his excellent work, he was trusted by colleagues, widely recognized by patients, praised by local hospitals and health management agencies, and praised by local media, which won honor for his motherland. After work, three African countries have left good memories of life for Dr. Kui. He loves Africa and its people. He tells the readers about the amorous feelings, cultures and characters of this beautiful continent. This book will undoubtedly increase Chinese enthusiasm for Africa, thus promoting understanding and friendship between the Chinese and African peoples. Bringing more people close to Chinese foreign aid medical workers is not only a great encouragement and support to them, but also the important significance of the publication of this book.

The author, Luo Minxian, is the chief physician of general surgery in Sanmenxia Central Hospital of Henan Province. From 2001 to 2015, he joined the Chinese medical team for Eritrea, the medical team for Zambia and the medical team for Ethiopia. He worked and lived in Africa for ten years. With a high sense of responsibility, superb medical technology and optimistic attitude, he has brought health and happiness to the African people and established a good image of Chinese doctors. He has won Henan Province foreign aid medical work advanced individual (twice), the national foreign aid medical work advanced individual, Zambia "May 1" labor award and so on.

Interior view of bookstore

The Story of Coffee Machine and Coffee Bookstore

On the day of World Reading Day on April 23, 2017, the coffee shop of the World knowledge Publishing House of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs opened, which was attended by representatives from the Africa Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Center for International Exchange and Cooperation of the Health and Family Planning Commission, the Chinese Embassy in Tanzania and the Ethiopian Embassy in China. During the event, a coffee machine attracted guests to stop, which was given by Mr. Mei Baojiu, a master of Beijing Opera. He is an old neighbor and friend of the World knowledge Publishing House. He loves coffee. Before his death, he came to the president's office many times to taste coffee with President Ma Fengchun. He was very concerned about the construction of the coffee shop, and gave this coffee machine to President Ma, willing to create a place in the bookstore to drink coffee with visiting friends and talk about the quintessence of Chinese culture. On April 23, 2017, Mr. Mei's last wish came true. In a corner of the bookstore, there was a photo of Mr. Mei with President Ma and a stills of Mr. Mei. The coffee machine was placed on the round table at the bottom of the photo. "drink coffee, talk about the quintessence of Chinese culture, and promote Chinese culture." Let us always remember Master Mei's outstanding contribution to Quintessence Beijing Opera.