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Weilai Cafe settled in Wangfujing? The experience center strives for the best part of the passenger flow.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, While Li Bin, the founder of Xilai, was explaining the new car to the audience at the noisy Shanghai auto show, thousands of miles away in Beijing, Lulai was building a bigger stage. On April 25, the bustling crowd on Chang'an Street found that the exhibition hall of Audi City Park was in a state of decoration, and the brand logo of Lulai was impressively printed on the huge shielding cloth.

While Li Bin, the founder of Xilai, was explaining the new car to the audience at the noisy Shanghai auto show, thousands of miles away in Beijing, Lulai was building a bigger stage. On April 25, the bustling crowd on Changan Street found that the exhibition hall of Audi City Park was being renovated, the huge shielding cloth was impressively emblazoned with the brand logo of Xilai, and the words "2017 Blue Sky Coming" were reminiscent of the hot new car brand at the Shanghai auto show.

There are signs that the first experience center of Lailai will be stationed in the Oriental Xintiandi on Changan Street, and the experience center will be officially opened before the end of the year. As a start-up car company, the "barbarian" of the traditional auto industry is accelerating to introduce itself to Chinese consumers and the market. The experience center, which is about to take on a new look, is undoubtedly the key to its brand show. it can be foreseen that all the concept cars and EP9 supercars on display at the Shanghai Auto Show will be included.

Less than an hour north from the Weilai experience Center, in the bustling Sanlitun, the Mercedes-Benz me experience Center has been standing for a year, and not far away is the Infiniti brand center, a competition for passenger flow between new and old car-making forces.

Coincidentally, at the Shanghai auto show, Ni Kai, president and CEO of Beijing Mercedes-Benz sales Company, said that this is based on "hoping to create an environment where consumers have no sales pressure at all, so that they can feel the values of the brand and feel the charm of the brand." The concept is refreshing to Chinese consumers. Sanlitun experience Store has a high number of visitors and good responses from customers. At the same time, said that China is a very vast country, Mercedes-Benz is also in contact and communication with other potential domestic partners, hoping to have the opportunity to continue to expand Mercedes me to other cities in China.

Other competitors are also speeding up the expansion of experience centers. Just before the Shanghai Auto Show, BMW built a huge brand experience center in Shanghai. This huge "car experience Carnival", which combines driving experience, brand culture, innovative technology and lifestyle, makes the fierce battle for passenger flow increasingly fierce.

BMW also expressed its determination to win this customer experience battle, "We can make our potential consumers feel our brand in a variety of ways." For example, we can show it through the mode of exhibition hall experience or through such a mode of active experience. This time we hope to build such an experience center to include everything under our BMW brand. " Gao Le, senior vice president of marketing of brilliance BMW Co., Ltd. revealed in an interview with the auto headline APP reporter.

He stressed that "the purpose of building such a large experience center is to effectively combine offline experience, online experience and all-round digital experience in the face of digital aborigines who grow up with digitalization."

Why does everyone love the experience center? Zheng Jie, chief operating officer of Fick Group in China and president of Guangzhou Auto Fick Automobile sales Co., Ltd., explained to the headline APP at the Shanghai auto show that with the birth of new technology, it is inevitable that various car companies are strengthening their contact points with consumers throughout the life cycle of their cars. "mainframe manufacturers increasingly want to maintain a relationship with consumers throughout the life cycle of the vehicle, so different manufacturers are doing different explorations."

It can be predicted that, with the addition of faces like Xilai Automobile, it may set off even greater waves in the whole automobile circle.