Coffee review

Can drinking coffee lead to osteoporosis?

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, It is said that drinking soda, tea and coffee reduces bone mineral density, and long-term consumption can lead to osteoporosis. Research shows that drinking tea is fine, and drinking cola and coffee seems to have an effect on women's bone mineral density. Medical experts say this may have something to do with the lack of milk, and coffee lovers are advised to drink coffee with milk such as lattes. Will drinking coffee lead to osteoporosis?

It is said that drinking soda, tea and coffee lowers bone density, and long-term drinking can lead to osteoporosis. Tea is fine, but drinking coke and coffee seems to have an effect on bone density in women, research shows. Medical experts said that this may be related to the reason for drinking less milk, suggesting that coffee drinkers drink lattes and other coffee containing milk ingredients.


Does coffee cause osteoporosis?

According to Cleveland Clinic data show that a number of scientific studies found that drinking coke and coffee can reduce bone density in women, but no effect on men, the reason is not clear. Dr. Johnny Su, an American rheumatologist, said it was unclear whether there was a causal relationship or how. One possible explanation is that drinking more cola or coffee means drinking less milk, which promotes bone health. Another possible explanation is that phosphoric acid in cola precipitates calcium from bones, evidence that phosphate-free sodas such as lemonade and ginger ale have nothing to do with osteoporosis. It is also possible that caffeine intake may reduce bone density in women, but tea (which contains caffeine) does not affect bone density.

Experts say there is insufficient evidence that coffee causes osteoporosis. If you love coffee and worry about osteoporosis, drink coffee with milk, such as lattes.

If there is a performance of osteoporosis, such as bone pain, wrestling fracture, hunchback, etc., it is necessary to timely treatment. Patients should be treated according to the changes in bone mass. Serious cases need to be treated with bone-promoting drugs; all treatments should be supplemented with calcium and vitamin D at the same time. As long as patience persists and professional advice from doctors is followed, the lost bone mass can be slowly replenished.


Dietetic prescription for prevention and treatment of osteoporosis

1. Black Bean Pork Bone Soup

Black beans 20~ 30g, pork bones 200~ 300g, proper seasoning. Wash black beans, soak soft, put them in a pot with pig bones, add appropriate amount of water, boil them over strong fire, then slowly boil them until cooked, add appropriate amount of seasoning.

This prescription has the effects of tonifying kidney, activating blood circulation, expelling wind and removing dampness, especially for elderly patients with osteoporosis.

2. Mulberry beef bone soup

Mulberry 25g, beef bone 250~ 500g, wine, sugar, onion, ginger each right amount. washing mulberry, steaming with wine and sugar; boiling beef bone in water, boiling, removing foam, adding ginger and scallion, boiling again, taking out beef bone when it turns white, adding steamed mulberry, boiling, removing foam, seasoning and serving. One dose per week, 100 ml once daily.

This prescription has the effect of nourishing yin and blood, tonifying kidney and strengthening tendons.

3. Shrimp skin tofu soup

Shrimp skin 50 grams, tender tofu 200 grams, seasoning amount. Wash the shrimp skin and soak it. Cut tender tofu into cubes; add chopped green onion, ginger and cooking wine. All the ingredients are put into an oil pan and stir-fried. Add appropriate amount of water to boil soup and drink.