Coffee review

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  • Salvadoran coffee flavor

    Salvadoran coffee flavor

    El Salvador is one of the small countries in Central America with a very dense population. The flavor of its coffee is characterized by excellent balance. Today, this coffee accounts for 40% of the country's exports. 35% of the extra hard beans of the best coffee are exported to Germany from January to March. In the early 1990s, guerrilla warfare greatly damaged the country's national economy, increasing coffee production from the early 1970s.

    2016-05-31 El Salvador coffee taste Erva Salvador Central America small country
  • There are several ways to turn coffee beans into coffee in Ervado Manor.

    There are several ways to turn coffee beans into coffee in Ervado Manor.

    Choose fresh coffee beans. When buying, pay attention to whether the color of the beans and the size of the particles are the same. Good coffee beans are shiny and have a strong aroma without being mixed with peculiar smell. No matter what kind of coffee beans, freshness is an important factor affecting the quality. When shopping, grab one or two coffee beans and chew them in your mouth with crisp sound (indicating that the coffee is not damp) and teeth and cheeks.

    2016-04-21 Erva Manor batch Water washing Parka Coffee beans several kinds how to make Coffee