Coffee review

The barista took the flower to a new height: draw color pictures on the foam.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Baristas play with flowers to new heights: drawing color pictures on milk bubbles is a necessary skill for baristas, according to foreign media reports. In Las Vegas, a highly skilled barista uses food paint to take the flower to new heights. According to reports, barista Mason Salisbury (Mason Salisbury) uses the milk foam on the surface of coffee as a canvas and uses edible paint to create on it.

The barista took the flower to a new height: draw color pictures on the foam.

According to foreign media reports, "pulling flowers" is a necessary skill for baristas. In Las Vegas, a highly skilled barista uses food paint to take the flower to new heights.

According to reports, barista Mason Salisbury (Mason Salisbury) uses the milk foam on the surface of coffee as a "canvas" and uses edible paint to create colorful "paintings" of flowers on it, which amazes customers.

Although it looks colorful, Mason Salisbury's colored pull coffee is perfectly safe to drink.

However, if you drink such a cup of coffee, you must have "mixed colors" in your stomach.