Coffee review

The Japanese are the busiest, and most of them choose to take out when buying coffee.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional baristas Please follow the Coffee Workshop (official Wechat account cafe_style) A foreign survey shows that as many as 48% of busy Japanese choose take-away coffee, compared with countries such as Italy and Spain, where the take-out rate is only 3%. The Japanese may really be busy. The picture shows people standing in line to buy coffee. According to a survey, as many as 48% of Japanese buy coffee

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

According to a foreign survey, 48% of busy Japanese choose take-out coffee, which may be really busy compared with countries such as Italy and Spain, where the take-out rate is only 3%. The picture shows people standing in line to buy coffee.

According to a survey, when Japanese buy coffee, as many as 48% of people choose to take out at the top, and compared with countries with a takeout rate of only 3%, such as Italy and Spain, Japanese people may be really busy.

According to the Japanese version of Forbes magazine's website (Forbes JAPAN), whether coffee buyers drink in or take out varies greatly from country to country.

According to NPD, a market research company, only 3 per cent of consumers who buy coffee in Italy and Spain choose to take it out.

While nearly half of the coffee buyers in North America and Japan choose to take out, 45% in the United States and 43% in Canada, while Japan is as high as 48%, which is the highest among the countries surveyed.

On the other hand, coffee drinking is no longer limited to North America, even in countries like Britain and China, which used to drink tea, the market is beginning to change.

The report pointed out that Starbucks, an American coffee chain, intends to open its first branch in Milan, Italy, in 2018. For Italians who are very particular about drinking coffee, it is very curious whether Starbucks will change their spending habits.

The coffee takeout rate in this survey ranks 48% in Japan, 45% in the United States, 43% in Canada, 35% in South Korea, 23% in Australia, 17% in Germany, 17% in France, 17% in Russia, 17% in the United Kingdom, 13% in Brazil, 10% in China, 3% in Italy and 3% in Spain.