Coffee review

"Coffee and liver" | do you drink coffee? Expert: it is a neglected "sweetheart" baby

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Professional barista Communication Please pay attention to the Coffee Workshop (official Wechat account cafe_style) is tired. Have a cup of strong coffee and have a comfortable rest. This is a great way for many people to relieve their daily fatigue. However, there are rumors that drinking coffee for a long time is bad for your health and can cause cancer. It is also reported that drinking coffee actually protects against liver cancer. Which is right and which is wrong? With this question

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Tired and tired, drink a cup of fragrant coffee and have a comfortable rest, which is a great way for many people to relieve their daily fatigue. However, there are rumors that drinking coffee for a long time is bad for your health and can cause cancer. It is also reported that drinking coffee actually protects against liver cancer. Which is right and which is wrong?

With this doubt, the reporter interviewed Shi Hanping, a professor at Beijing Shijitan Hospital affiliated to the Capital Medical University and chairman of the tumor Nutrition and support treatment Committee of the China Anti-Cancer Association. Zheng Yaxin, chief physician and professor of hepatobiliary surgery in the Oriental Hepatobiliary surgery Hospital affiliated to the second military Medical University, and Wang Xiaochun, a senior dietitian of the Chinese Nutrition Association and one of the country's top ten dietitians.

China Digital Science and Technology Museum: will drinking coffee cause cancer?

Wang Xiaochun: this issue should be divided into two. Generally speaking, coffee ground with coffee beans has many benefits, can refresh the brain, speed up the metabolism of the body, is beneficial to the human body. However, instant coffee contains a lot of protein, and when it goes through the necessary high-temperature barbecue process, the amino acids and sugars react to produce acrylamide, which is at risk of cancer.

Acrylamide is a white crystal chemical, which was first discovered and reported by researchers from the Swedish National Food Administration and Stockholm University in April 2002. According to a study conducted by the Consumer Council of Hong Kong, all foods containing carbohydrates produce acrylamide after being fried. It is known that acrylamide can cause cancer.

China Digital Science and Technology Museum: why drinking coffee can fight liver cancer? What is the main cause of liver cancer in China?

Screenshot of the scientific literature "Coffee and liver"

Shi Hanping: first of all, let's take a look at Coffee and liver, which is the most concerned article in the scientific research literature on liver disease in 2016. This review summarizes a large number of studies in recent years and concludes that more than 2 cups of coffee a day can reduce the incidence of liver fibrosis, cirrhosis and liver cancer in patients with liver disease, and reduce mortality.

China is a large country of liver cancer, mainly because the liver cancer in our country is mainly or mostly composed of hepatitis and chronic hepatitis. The effect of coffee on the progression of liver disease is also attributed to its anti-fibrosis effect. In the rat model, coffee attenuated thioacetamide-induced liver inflammation and fibrosis.

In fact, coffee is rich in antioxidants, and many studies have confirmed that coffee has a protective effect on all kinds of diseases. Drinking coffee correctly can not only prevent hepatitis and liver cancer, but also benefit our heart and liver. It can prevent heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and Parkinson's disease.

China Digital Science and Technology Museum: how to prevent liver cancer?

Zheng Yaxin: liver cancer is no longer an incurable disease. After a hundred years of struggle, liver cancer has become a preventable and treatable disease. Liver cancer can be prevented by actively preventing hepatitis and paying attention to a healthy diet; regular specialist examinations can be diagnosed in the early stage of liver cancer, which can be surgically removed or destroyed before threatening the patient's life.

Always keep in mind that "illness enters through the mouth", drink less, do not eat moldy food, pay attention to drinking water hygiene, and so on. In addition, we should actively exercise, maintain a good physique, develop good work and rest habits, maintain an optimistic mood, and properly reduce stress in life and work all play a positive role in the prevention of liver cancer.

China Digital Science and Technology Museum: what should patients with liver cancer pay attention to in their diet?

Shi Hanping: because the liver is an important place to synthesize human protein. Liver cancer patients after hepatectomy, their ability to synthesize protein will decrease slightly, so in the diet of liver cancer patients, the most important thing is to prevent low-protein malnutrition.

In addition, the energy supply should be up to standard. This is because the liver is an important energy metabolic organ in the human body. Although the weight of the liver is less than 2% of the body's total weight, the liver consumes 21% of the body's total implanted energy. Therefore, any lesion on the liver will consume a lot of energy, and more attention should be paid to the metabolism of this characteristic type.