Coffee review

Pay attention to the tea controller! Xiao Qi vs the whole family Matcha latte out of the box to evaluate the practice of matcha drinks

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) latte and cappuccino how to drink the difference? Is there any difference between a cappuccino cup and a latte cup? Every April, we usher in the limited season of matcha, and a series of tea drinks, snacks, desserts and freshly brewed drinks are on the market, seizing the hearts of a large number of loyal Matcha fans! seven

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

How to tell the difference between a latte and a cappuccino? Is there any difference between a cappuccino cup and a latte cup?

Every April, we usher in the limited season of matcha, and a series of tea drinks, snacks, desserts and freshly brewed drinks are on the market, seizing the hearts of a large number of loyal Matcha fans!

7-11 this week launched the "Fukuoka eight women matcha latte" to compete with the whole family's "Kali matcha latte"! With the classic combination of matcha and milk, it is a light drink that can be bought around the corner. If you have a cup at will, will the taste be different?

# 01 Packaging

At NT$50 prices, large matcha lattes are available for the whole family (Let's Caf é) and medium cups at 7-11 (City Caf é). Compared with the classic white cup body of 7-11, the dark black design of the whole family is easy to feel more fashionable, and the paper cup is relatively thick and has better thermal insulation.

# 02 portions

Measured in a container of the same height, there is little difference between a large family matcha latte and a medium cup 7-11 latte, visually measuring no more than 100 milliliters.

# 03 taste

When taking the first sip, the latte of the whole family has almost no milk foam and tastes thin and less round, while the 7-11 milk foam is relatively long-lasting and dense, smooth and smooth to drink.

# 04 taste

The tea and milk concentration of the whole family are also light and sweet, while the tea of 7-11 is rich and mellow with mild milk flavor and just the right sweetness.

Compared with the same price (NT$50), although the weight of 7-11 is small, the level of taste and taste is relatively clear, and the overall performance price is relatively high!

Matcha mixed with milk, the same formula is mixed with different methods, time and temperature, each time is an unexpected chemical reaction, showing a different level and taste. This weekend, you might as well set aside a morning for yourself, change your place and mood, taste the fun of hand-made matcha latte at home, and find out your own full-bodied taste.

A picture tells you the difference between cappuccino and latte.