Coffee review

Delong teamed up with Tmall Super Brand Day to create the first Italian coffee life experience hall.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Today, a new wave of coffee is spreading to China from Western countries such as Europe and the United States, exhilaration is no longer the focus of coffee drinks, people begin to carefully study the process of grinding and brewing coffee, enjoying the results of different tastes brought about by different operations.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Nowadays, a new wave of coffee is spreading to China from Western countries such as Europe and the United States. Exhilaration is no longer the focus of coffee drinks. People begin to carefully study the process of grinding and brewing coffee. Enjoy the different taste results brought about by different operations. Making coffee at home has also become an emotional and quality-oriented attitude of modern young people.

As the saying goes, if you want to do good work, you must first sharpen its tools. Having a good coffee machine can better satisfy all the imaginations of a person or even a family about coffee philosophy. From December 18 to 19, Italian Delong, the leading brand of coffee machine, joined hands with Tmall Super Brand Day to launch the theme activity "enjoy Delong and slow because of intention" to explore the philosophy of Italian coffee life and bring a new coffee consumption life for many consumers.

Delong brand, founded in 1902, has grown from a craftsman workshop to today's world-class coffee machine leader after more than a hundred years of development, and spread the philosophical Italian coffee culture all over the world.

This time, Delong also passed on this culture to many Chinese consumers through its activities with Tmall Super Brand Day. In Shanghai, the capital city, he created the first Italian coffee life experience officer-One Shot Bar Delong coffee machine flash store, and invited post-90s idol Jeffrey Dong Youlin, who had a coffee shop dream, to serve as an one-day store manager. At the event scene, Dong Youlin became a barista. Personally use a variety of coffee machines to make espresso for fans and jointly explore the culture of espresso.

One Shot Bar has also become an important position for this event. In order to give people a better sense of the quality and style of espresso, Delong and Tmall also joined hands with four major artists to customize the Italian life-themed crystal ball house, so as to create a new coffee experience in the cross-border fashion, life and art industries. These different styles of Italian life scene space also help consumers feel the brand concept and professionalism of Delong coffee machine more intuitively.

On the day of the event, a number of fashion bloggers rushed to the scene to spread these beautiful scenes to a wider audience in the form of live broadcast, and four Italian crystal space balls representing the brand concept became the preferred place for young people to sign in for selfies.

In addition, on the occasion of the annual Christmas carnival, Delong and Tmall Super Brand Day also took the opportunity to work together to build a fancy Christmas tree to bring a richer holiday experience to consumers.

Encounter a new way of life in Tmall Super Brand Day

After years of development, Tmall Super Brand Day has not only become a super IP of brand marketing, but also provides a stage of extreme innovation for the brand by integrating the resources of the whole network.

At the same time, with the evolution of brand competition environment, Tmall Super Brand Day is also evolving. From the simple product competition in the past, to the brand competition, and then to the life style competition now, people are more and more inclined to a high-quality "lifestyle" choice, instead of simply enjoying the products provided by a brand. And its simple functional requirements.

This also prompted Tmall Super Brand Day to work with brands to create more innovative lifestyles. This Delong and Tmall Super Brand Day join hands not only to launch high-quality coffee machine products, but also to upgrade the product concept, so as to create an Italian coffee philosophy life experience hall, so that people can feel the Italian coffee life attitude more intuitively.

To this end, online, Delong and Tmall Super Brand Day worked together with Dong Youlin to create a concept video with the theme of "enjoy Delong and slow due to intention". The day before the offline event, Delong went online and interacted with fans on the Tmall platform. A total of more than 100000 fans participated in this learning to make espresso.

Not only that, with the help of the big data ability of Tmall platform, Delong has further planned a customized plan to deeply explore the pain points of users, so that the philosophy of espresso life can be better integrated into the consumer life of modern young people. Tmall Super Brand Day uses a new retail model to help brands like Delong meet the changes in the consumer environment in the Chinese market and win the recognition of consumers more quickly.

According to statistics, with the full support of Tmall platform, on the day of the 19th event, Delong Tmall's flagship store won the top spot in the history of coffee machine sales and visitors, reaching the second highest in the year, with more than 90% of its performance contributed by new fans.

In fact, as a super marketing IP that has been born for more than three years and has evolved to this day, behind Tmall Super Brand Day stands a series of world-renowned top brands: Maserati, Zumarong, Nike, Lego, Dyson, YSL Saint Laurent, etc., while Tmall Super Brand Day gives them huge traffic and innovative marketing plans to help these brands evolve in the Chinese market. It has also created many classic marketing cases.

Not only that, in addition to improving brand building, Tmall Super Brand Day helps brands open up more channels, implement new retail models, and reverse product innovation through C2B models. it also creates a new way of life with more forward-looking significance for Chinese consumers.

It can be predicted that in the future, there will be more avant-garde brands to fully embrace the new retail, together with Tmall Super Brand Day to explore marketing innovation and release stronger commercial power.