Coffee review

[2023 Starbucks World Earth Day] there are more meaningful things besides free Starbucks coffee!

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the Coffee Workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) April 22 is Earth Day. To promote environmentally friendly coffee, Starbucks has launched a campaign to bring a free medium cup of coffee. The annual free coffee is here again, everyone.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

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Do you know what April 22nd is?

"I know, World Earth Day!" No! It is the release day of Starbucks' annual blockbuster "Giant Cups of pots and pans of drinking Coffee".


In response to this holiday for the world's environmental protection, Starbucks has been offering free 355ml drip coffee drinks for a limited time since 2015, but it needs to bring Starbucks cups / mugs to encourage consumers to support the environment. When the event was first launched, the response was mediocre because of the need to use cups purchased by Starbucks. The content of the activity in 2018 is to buy coffee with your own cup and get coffee grounds for free. It can be said that there is no attraction to consumers.


So two years later, on April 22, 2017, Starbucks changed its strategy to get a designated medium drink within a specified period of time as long as you bring your own cup. Just bring your own cup?! In the absence of any cup material / type / shape / capacity, netizens immediately found any kind of container that could hold liquid at home and rushed to Starbucks.





By 2018, products made from DuPont paper were launched. On Earth Day 2019, you can also use your own cup to get a specified medium drink within a specified period of time.

However, starting from 2020, the Earth will have to go to the studio one day to grab tickets in order to have a chance to drink a free medium oatmeal latte the next day. For the operation that needs to grab tickets, netizens have said that Starbucks is stingy. Starbucks replied: refuse to gather.


In 2021, you also need to join the challenge activity in order to unlock the designated product for free drink. To this end, netizens began to lose interest in Earth Day activities, and asked: is there any free coffee for Earth Day?


Because the effect of Earth Day from 2019 to 2021 will not be able to attract more consumers as it did in 2017. So in 2022, Starbucks will return to the "use your own cup to get a specified medium drink within a specified period of time."

After a long absence of 5 years, netizens are even crazier! Its crazy degree even rushed to the top of the hot search list!


So neat? No! No! No! This is the official picture of the event released by Starbucks, and the actual situation is as follows:






What buckets, kettles, thermos. Let's go! And lift the plus version of the goblet, filled with a cup of 355ml iced American coffee is elegant.


Of course, no matter how big the pot, bowl, pot, bottle and can, Starbucks will only give 355ml the capacity of coffee. If you see a very large container that can "come back with a full load", 100% of the netizens bought it with their own money!

All right, back to the point. After watching it, do you still remember what Starbucks brought its own cup for?

"I remember! It will be 4.22 in a few days! Pots and pans are ready! "

No! It is everyone's responsibility to protect the environment. (you'd better bring some containers with the right capacity.)

Free is not the point, don't forget the original idea of "environmental protection"

If you only care about the cup of black coffee you get for free, you really have no intention of get to Starbucks. Don't forget that the big premise of getting a free drink on April 22nd is to bring your own cup.

April 22 is Earth Day, a holiday and environmental protection day for environmentalists around the world, on which people of different nationalities promote and practice the concept of environmental protection in different ways. The earliest Earth Day event was the environmental movement that sprang up on American campuses in the 1970s and spread from the United States to the world in the 1990s. Starbucks, as one of the large American enterprises, is naturally involved in it.


In addition to Earth Day, Starbucks China has also participated in Earth hour's environmental protection activities.

On the other hand, Starbucks advocates the environmental concept of recycling and reducing plastic straws by bringing its own cups in the free coffee campaign on Earth Day. Therefore, the condition for participation in the event is that those who need to pick up the coffee bring their own cups.

In addition, from today, nearly 1000 Starbucks stores and special star delivery platforms in Shenzhen and Shanghai will stop providing plastic straws and use specially developed direct drinking cup lids that can replace plastic straws. If a straw is needed, more environmentally friendly paper straws will be provided.



The coffee is delicious, but it is not environmentally friendly.

In the coffee industry, promoting environmental protection is not a matter of one or two days. In fact, there are a lot of green areas in the process of coffee from planting to making drinks into our mouths.

For example, in planting, coffee (especially Arabica) is generally low in yield and vulnerable to insect pests. In the 1990s, yield-minded farmers used fertilizers and pesticides so heavily that the earth's ecosystem was affected, natural resources were gradually depleted by overuse, and the quality of coffee began to decline. In the process of coffee bean processing, the consumption of a large amount of water resources is also a reflection of the lack of environmental protection.

The coffee we drink every day also contains factors that pollute the planet-lots of non-degradable plastic products, such as cups, straws and coffee capsule shells used in capsule machines, as well as leftover coffee grounds.

However, fortunately, both coffee producers and coffee drinkers have paid attention to these practical problems and introduced a number of measures. The direct drinking cup lid mentioned in Starbucks China's event has been promoted all over the world, while Nestl é, the big head of instant coffee, has also changed the shell of capsule coffee to all-aluminum, which can be recycled unlimited times.


In addition to these large enterprises, many enterprises are also using coffee grounds again, from fertilizing that we are familiar with, to making batteries and even clothes, which are full of technological ideas. And what about us coffee lovers? It's simple! Reduce the use of plastic straws when you go out for coffee. It is a good environmental protection action to bring your own cups to pack.


Make clothes out of coffee grounds

After receiving the free cup of coffee in the morning, will everyone continue to bring their own cups when they go out to buy coffee?