Coffee review

What kind of coffee is there in Spain? 9 Flavors of Spanish Coffee

Published: 2024-10-23 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/23, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) Picasso, Miro and Dali, the world's three major surrealist painters, Gaudi architecture, flamenco dance, bullfight and Don Quixote, all of which come from Spain.

Although there is a lot of coffee all over the world, there are still some different ways to drink coffee in each place, which can also be said to be local characteristics. For example, coffee beans in Vietnam are mainly Robusta, because Robusta's flavor is bitter and has a local flavor, so it is usually baked to the extent of oil black and shiny, and the extracted coffee liquid is rich in oil. the flavor is generally hazelnut, grain and caramel. the bitter taste is obvious. In Vietnam, the aroma of coffee is floating in the streets and alleys. Vietnamese prefer lactose sweet boiled milk to fresh milk from European countries, so they think of using the sweetness of condensed milk to cover up the strong bitterness in the coffee. The local name for this drink is "ca phe sua da", translated as Vietnamese Didi coffee.


In addition to Vietnam in Southeast Asia, Spain in Europe also has a drinking habit of "coffee + condensed milk", which they like to call "Caf é Bomb ó n". In fact, it is espresso with boiled milk, presented in a small mini cup. Qianjie has also engraved this drink, taking a glass the size of 90-120ml, the glass is to look better. Pour condensed milk according to the ratio of espresso to condensed milk at 1:1. For example, if the espresso liquid used in Qianjie is 40g, then the condensed milk is 40g. Then pour espresso on top of condensed milk. Because of the high density of condensed milk, it is difficult for espresso to blend with condensed milk without external force to form a very good-looking "black-and-white match". The entrance is like "tortoise Ling ointment with condensed milk", the taste is much thicker than pure espresso, and it is not bitter.


Of course, there are not only the above two ways to drink "boiled milk". In recent years, a coffee + milk + condensed milk "Spanish latte" has also become a popular item on the menu in cafes, such as coffee chain Arabica.

Such a diverse coffee culture is a testament to the inclusiveness of Spanish culture. For them, no matter what the composition or proportion of the coffee is, it has a different flavor. Sip the unique Spanish coffee, century-old winery lime, add a little cinnamon and sugar, and garnish with cream and cherries.


The world's three surrealist painters, Picasso, Milo and Dali, are listed as World Heritage sites of Gaudi architecture, flamenco, bullfighting and Don Quixote. These all come from Spain, a palace with splendid literature and art. Their culture, which combines the colors of Western Christianity and Eastern Islam, is unique in European culture, and its coffee culture is also colorful. Unamuno, a Spanish philosopher and writer, once said, "the real universities in Spain are in cafes and city squares," and they integrate culture into life.

The History of Spanish Coffee

When we think of Spanish coffee, we tend to think of a steaming cup of coffee with rum or other alcohol and whipped cream, but Spain has a far greater impact on the coffee industry than a bar in a ski cabin.


Spanish ships carry coffee plants and seeds to many remote parts of the world, where coffee is not native but soon becomes the center of central growth. The descendants of the Spanish conquerors settled in Central and South America, where they created huge plantations for growing Spanish coffee.

CoffeeCoffee first came to Spain with Turkish immigrants. Not much coffee is actually grown in Spain, but they have developed a roasting method that produces very black, almost black oily coffee beans that can be made into very rich coffee, that is, Spanish barbecue or dark French barbecue.


Spanish coffee growers in Latin America account for nearly half of the coffee exported, however, most of the Spanish coffee supplied in Spain comes from Angola and Mozambique and is black to bring out the full flavor.

There are all kinds of cafes in Spain, with different styles, but the common feature is that they are very lively, always full of locals and tourists. In Spain, you will be surprised to find that people seem to have too much leisure time in cafes. In fact, cafes and bars in Spain use the same name. If you see a place with a "Bar" sign, you can go in and enjoy a nice cup of coffee.

The Spanish cafe is a place full of infinite vitality every second, with loud, almost shouting waiters, crackling cash registers and loud conversations between locals and tourists, mixed with Spanish exaggerated body language, but no matter how enjoyable the conversation is, people don't forget to sip coffee from their cups from time to time.


If you are new to Spain, you may ask the waiter to buy a cup of coffee to take away, which is not particularly difficult elsewhere, but in Spain, the waiter will put on a charming smile. then persuade you to stay in the cafe before you leave. In fact, it takes less than five minutes to drink a cup of coffee in a cafe, but what you can experience is centuries of cultural precipitation.

The quality of coffee in Spain is excellent because of the quality of coffee beans and the unique way they are roasted and then mixed.

Coffee é ssolo is a small, strong black coffee, usually served in a small glass.

In Spain, the traditional cafe carajillo is a coffee shop solo with a small amount of brandy. Alternatively, rum or whiskey can be used. If this is done properly, first light the brandy so that the alcohol can burn, and then add the coffee (solo).


Drinking coffee is the Spanish way of life, they shout "Hola!" When they walked into the cafe, they were not greeting an acquaintance in the cafe, but greeting all the people there. The people in the cafe are like a small community, where people enjoy themselves, even if they only spend 10 minutes in the morning sitting in the cafe, where coffee cups and plates filled with Spanish snacks Tapa are also part of the community. They will be busy talking, talking or reading newspapers. Drinking coffee represents a simple and beautiful plot for Spaniards, and it is a hobby that melts into the soul.

Here are several different flavors of coffee in Spain:

Caf é con leche

Drinking coffee is a way of life in Spain. Spaniards usually drink coffee in the morning, and their breakfast allows them to start the day. This first cup of coffee is usually accompanied by hot milk, which is called cafe é conleche. This kind of coffee, which is the most popular and common in Spain, contains a considerable amount of milk heated by steam pressure and coffee machine, and it is usually served in large coffee cups or glasses.


Then around 11:00 in the morning, many Spaniards stop to take a short break, called Almuerzo. They often order a kind of coffee called cafe solo, and they eat snacks such as bocadillo, which we will better know as a sandwich containing cheese or ham (made of rectangular bread).

Caf é cortado

Coffee with only a small amount of milk is usually served in a small coffee mug. The difference between coffee and Caf é con leche is that it has less milk. People usually drink this kind of coffee after lunch.

Coffee é Bomb ó n "coffee + condensed milk" is not unique to Vietnam. As far away as Spain in the Iberian Peninsula, there is also a way of drinking "coffee + condensed milk". In Valencia, Spain's third largest city, you can order a cup of coffee called "Caf é Bomb ó n". This is actually a small cup of coffee made of espresso and condensed milk.


Coffee é solo, also known as black coffee, is usually served in a small cup.

Coffee é descafeinado decaffeinated coffee, usually there are two kinds of coffee, De sobre, most of the way is to add a small bag of instant coffee to hot milk. De maquina, coffee brewed from non-caffeinated coffee powder using a steam pressurized coffee machine.

Caf é americano

This kind of coffee is usually made by pouring boiling water into coffee brewed by a steam pressurized coffee machine. In some coffee shops, a glass of water will be brought separately for guests to mix and use according to their own preferences.


Coffee é con hielo iced coffee. After ordering this coffee, guests will give a glass with ice cubes and a plain coffee that has just been brewed. Put sugar in the coffee while it is hot, and then pour it into a glass glass.


A type of coffee from Italy that is served with steamed milk on an espresso and is served with whipped cream and cinnamon in Spain.


For those who don't like bitter coffee, Spanish latte is a good choice. The addition of condensed milk can cover up more bitter taste of coffee and highlight the sweetness of lactose and sucrose. Compared with adding syrup for seasoning, condensed milk is more natural and comfortable.

Coffee will also be consumed at lunchtime (Comida) and after dinner (Cena). As you know, Spaniards love their coffee, and the best way to experience it is in shabby, rustic and very traditional Spanish bars.

Is there any difference between a Spanish latte and a latte?

The Spanish latte is made up of espresso, fresh milk and boiled milk, in other words, adding boiled milk to the regular latte. With the addition of condensed milk, those who can not accept the bitter taste can also taste the strong aroma of coffee.


Now that you know the difference between a Spanish latte and an ordinary latte, it's very easy to make. Qianjie will first extract a cup of 40ml Espresso coffee liquid, add 10 grams of condensed milk on the substrate, stir well, then whisk the 200ml fresh milk to the appropriate temperature of 55-65 degrees Celsius, and finally blend into the coffee liquid, and the Spanish latte is finished. If you want to make an iced Spanish latte, Qianjie first add 75g solid ice cubes to the cup, pour in 200ml iced milk, then add 10g condensed milk to the extracted Espresso, sprinkle on the liquid surface, and stir well with a straw before tasting.


Because the espresso produced by Qianjie store is made of self-baked "sunflower sunflower blend", which is made of Ethiopian red cherry coffee beans (30%) and Honduran sherry barrel coffee beans (70%). The extracted Espresso espresso shows vanilla, cream, whisky and berry flavors, with milk like vanilla chocolate milk, while condensed milk highlights the sweetness of lactose and sucrose.

Suggestions for making coffee in front of the street:

No matter what kind of coffee is brewed, if you want to make a good cup of coffee, you still need to pay attention to the freshness of the coffee beans. Qianjie has always believed that the freshness of coffee beans has a great relationship with the flavor of coffee, so the coffee beans shipped in Qianjie coffee are roasted within 5 days. The purpose of Qianjie roasting is "freshly roasted coffee", so that every guest who places an order is the freshest coffee when he receives it. The bean cultivation period of coffee is about 4-7 days, so when the guest gets it, it is the time when the flavor is the best.


For those who need to be ground, Qianjie warmly reminds you that if the coffee beans are ground in advance, there is no need to raise the beans, because in the process of transportation, the pressure caused by carbon dioxide in the package can also make the coffee flavor round. so you can drink a cup of coffee as soon as you receive the coffee powder. But the coffee powder needs to be brewed in time, because the coffee powder oxidizes more quickly after contact with the air, that is to say, the flavor of the coffee will dissipate more quickly, and the flavor of the coffee is not so good. Therefore, Qianjie suggests buying whole beans, grinding and flushing now, so that we can better taste the flavor of coffee.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

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