Coffee review

What is the difference between a mocha pot and a coffee maker? Does the coffee grease extracted from a mocha pot be the same as concentrated? Who invented the mocha pot?

Published: 2024-10-21 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/21, The "Mocha Pot" is a pressurized coffee extraction tool invented in 1933 by an Italian engineer, Mr."Aifonso Bialetti". Convenient, compact, and can extract fragrant and delicious coffee, so it has become a part of many people's shopping lists. if

The mocha pot is a pressurized coffee extraction tool invented by an Italian engineer, Mr. Aifonso Bialetti, in 1933. Convenient, small, and can extract fragrant and delicious coffee, so it has become a part of many people's shopping list. If you want to buy the convenience of the mocha pot and the function of espresso, there is no problem. But if you buy it because you can extract oil from a mocha pot and want to use it to pull flowers, you should think twice.

Why? Because the oil extracted by the mocha kettle is very different from the oil extracted by the coffee machine that floats on the concentrated surface.

What is coffee fat? The oil in the coffee population is often misunderstood as oil in a broad sense, which refers to substances secreted from animals and plants and insoluble in water. In fact, the fat in coffee refers to a tiny bubble filled with carbon dioxide and the lipids of the coffee beans themselves. Because the bubble is so delicate and rich that it feels as thick as cream, people use the Spanish word "Crema" with the meaning of cream to name it. Because of its existence, espresso has more distinguishing features. Later, after it spread to China, the language gap made people misunderstand that it was like cream-like grease, so it was called "grease".

There is only one condition to have this layer of oil, and that is to use pressure in the extraction method. Through pressure and high temperature, the lipids in coffee powder are broken down into tiny particles, which are then combined with carbon dioxide to form bubbles, followed by the golden grease we see on the surface of coffee. The mocha pot, like the Italian coffee machine, is a pressurized extraction. Therefore, it can also extract similar substances. But, just like it, it can't be as delicate, rich and long-lasting as the concentrated oil extracted by the coffee machine. Why? Because there is a fundamental difference between them!

What's the difference between the grease in the mocha pot and the coffee maker? This essence lies in the pressure they use! The pressure of the espresso machine is usually set at 9bar, and if the resistance of pressed powder is enough, even the pressure will increase further during extraction. And such a high pressure is enough to stabilize the structure of the bubble, so that the oil has a more abundant aroma, and more lasting.

By contrast, the pressure of the mocha pot is only 2~3bar, and so is the double valve. Such a pressure cannot extract structurally stable bubbles because the lipids in the coffee body are not completely broken down by the pressure to bind to carbon dioxide. Therefore, the "grease" made by the mocha pot is not only rough, but also dissipates quickly in a short time (about two minutes), so it is not suitable for pulling flowers.

Because of this, the oil extracted from the mocha kettle is considered by most people to be not the other "oil" (extracted by the coffee machine). But even so, there are still many friends who want to use mocha kettles to extract rich grease, which is not a difficult task. But we must know one thing clearly: the more grease, the better! (details can be moved to this article, "Why is the fat in espresso a scam"? ")

In order to use a mocha kettle to extract rich oil, we only need to control the pressure of the extraction and choose the right coffee beans. As mentioned earlier, the greater the pressure, the more fat can be extracted; the more carbon dioxide in coffee powder, the more it can contribute to the formation of oil. You can still get a relative explanation from the grease article above, but Qianjie won't repeat it too much here.