Coffee review

All 50+! Coffee Festival selects the "most expensive" ones to sell?!

Published: 2024-10-20 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/20, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop Recently, Guangzhou held a massive coffee event. Fans from the urban area and surrounding cities came here to participate in the annual coffee feast. It is understood that this coffee festival not only invited famous coffee brands from all over the country

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Recently, Guangzhou held a large-scale coffee event, which attracted fans from the urban area and surrounding cities to attend the annual coffee feast.

It is understood that this coffee festival not only invited famous coffee brands from all over the country, but also some overseas coffee merchants were invited to enter the event to share their brand characteristics with enthusiasts. From the photos shared by tourists on the social platform, there was a sea of people at the scene, and there was a long queue in front of the popular brand stalls, with no end in sight.

Coffee bloggers also rushed to the scene for the first time to get the latest information related to the event. However, after walking around, a blogger found that the drinks offered by many stalls were not cheap, with special drinks costing 40 to 50 yuan and Combo drinks more than 80 yuan.

The price of hand-brewed coffee has also risen significantly, with tourists saying that many stalls at the scene range from tens of yuan to more than 100 yuan, and some even reach more than 600 cups, which is "out of reach."

In recent years, "expensive" has almost become an unavoidable key word in all major coffee activities. 50-60 drinks, more than 100 special meals, and hand-brewed coffee worth a few hundred yuan seem to be regular customers on the stall menu.

However, users who know something about the brand admit that when they go to the offline stores of some brands, they find that there are dozens or hundreds of products with a unit price of dozens or hundreds, but there are also more than ten yuan a cup of coffee. But once we go to the coffee festival and coffee market, only some drinks with higher unit prices can be seen on the menu in front of the stalls, so that many people tease the stall owners that they have "put out the most expensive drinks in the store."

In addition to "picking the most expensive", some customers find that the activity prices of some products are higher than the store prices. the price of drinks that used to cost NT $20 to NT $30 per cup in the store rose after being superimposed with a coat of "activity restrictions." it has become a "hot item" of 451 cups. Many people say bluntly that if you want to drink a cup of good coffee at a reasonable price, the offline store may be the best choice.

In this regard, netizens analyzed that when stall owners participate in such activities, they need to bear the costs of accommodation and transportation, products and materials, and renting equipment stalls, so for some exhibitors who have come from afar, if they only sell a cup of American style and lattes worth more than ten yuan on the spot, it may be difficult to recover the cost after a few days of activities, and the loss outweighs the gain.

In addition, in order to become the "prettiest cub" at the scene and attract the attention of tourists, some stalls will take pains to decorate their stalls and let passers-by stop and take a second look with the image of an original stall. and this virtually also increases the operating costs of operators, so that the price of a single cup of drink has to rise accordingly.

For most of the admiring visitors, after paying the entrance fee for the exhibition, what they hope is to enjoy the signature features brought by the coffee shop which is usually inaccessible at a suitable price, to communicate and discuss with the barista, and to enjoy the unique experience of this coffee feast.

But in fact, tourists buy a few good-looking special drinks to take pictures and clock in and share them on social platforms, while merchants drive up the price of drinks in an attempt to make a lot of money through the event. Many coffee festival regulars see more and more expensive products and fewer and fewer tasting drinks on the stalls, lamenting that most coffee activities have changed beyond recognition and are no longer what they used to be.

Picture from: Xiao Hong Shu

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