Coffee review

Old Ethiopian grading standards--Definition of grading for washing and solarization

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) Ethiopia old classification standard Ethiopian coffee beans are generally divided into five levels, according to washing and sun treatment for G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, the first and second levels for washed coffee beans, and sun coffee beans according to coffee quality is divided into G3,G4,G5 three and so on

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The old classification standard of Ethiopia

Ethiopian coffee beans are generally divided into five grades, according to washing and sun treatment.

G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, the first and second grades are washed coffee beans, while the sun-cured coffee beans are divided into three grades according to the quality of coffee, which means that the highest grade of sunlight is G3.

Washed beans Grade1 represents 0-3 defective beans per 300g raw beans.

Washed beans Grade2 represents 4-12 defective beans per 300g raw beans.

Ethiopian washed beans G1 coffee beans are of higher quality and higher scores than G2 coffee beans, so it is generally difficult to buy.

The Ethiopian coffee bean grading introduced above is the old Ethiopian grading standard, that is, the grading system before the advent of ECX. After the emergence of ECX, the classification was redefined.

ECX classification

Ethiopia Commodity Exchange (the Ethiopia Commodity Exchange, hereinafter referred to as ECX) was born in 2008. After the establishment of ECX in 2008, it was graded by the combination of physical properties of raw coffee beans and cup flavor characteristics.

ECX defines all coffees as three types according to how they are treated: sun treatment and washing treatment:

First, boutique coffee Speciality coffee: less defective beans, cup test high flavor quality

Second, commercial coffee Commerical coffee: can not reach the boutique grade, but higher than the domestic coffee consumption grade

3. Domestic coffee Domestic coffee: coffee with many defective beans (unripe beans), out of season and relatively poor flavor caused by poor storage.

According to the total score of physical attribute characteristics and cup flavor characteristics, ECX divides coffee raw beans into nine grades, of which the physical feature score accounts for 40% and the cup test mass fraction accounts for 60%.

Grade G1 score: washing 91-100, sun 91-100

Grade G2 score: washing 81-90, sun 81-90

Grade G3 score: washing 71-80, sun 71-80

Grade G4 score: washing 63-70, sun 63-70

Grade G5 score: washing 58-62, sun 58-62

Grade G6 score: washing 50-57, sun 50-57

Grade G7 score: washing 40-49, sun 40-49

Grade G8 score: washing 31-39, sun 31-39

Grade G9 score: washing 20-30, sun exposure 20-30

The specific grading and scoring criteria of ECX are as follows

Rating definition of washing treatment:

1. Physical characteristics account for 40%: number of defects (20%), appearance size (10%), color (5%), smell (5%) 2. Cup test quality accounts for 60%: cleanliness (15%), acidity (15%), taste (15%), flavor characteristics (15%)

Score definition of sun treatment:

1. Physical characteristics account for 40%: number of defects (30%), odor (10%)

2. 60% of the cup quality: cleanliness (15%), acidity (15%), taste (15%), flavor characteristics (15%).

Graded according to commercial grade and cup test score, the grading criteria are as follows:

Grade Q1: commercial grade G1, G2, cup test score 85 or above

Grade Q2: commercial grade G1, G2, G3, cup test score 80 or above

Grade Q3: commercial grade G1, G2, G3, cup test score below 80.
