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SCA launches "Coffee Sustainable Development" training program to promote the survival and development of the industry

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional Coffee knowledge Exchange more coffee bean information Please follow Coffee Workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Fine Coffee Association (SCA) recently announced the launch of the Coffee Sustainable Development Plan, a professional training program in response to the growing demand for sustainability in the coffee business, designed to help the coffee industry survive and develop through achieving sustainable development. In

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The boutique Coffee Association (SCA) has announced the launch of the Coffee Sustainable Development Program, a professional training program that responds to the growing demand for sustainability in the coffee business and aims to help the coffee industry "survive and develop" by achieving sustainable development.

In terms of model, the program is similar to SCA's popular coffee skills program (which covers topics such as barista skills, sensory skills, raw coffee beans and roasting), because the program is also divided into three levels, in order: basic, intermediate and professional.

Kim Elena Ionescu, chief director of SCA's sustainability program, said in a SCA press release today that SCA's coffee sustainability program will help learners become more competitive in the existing work environment, as more and more companies, employers and organizations are eager to better integrate sustainable development in their existing business models, and sustainability is critical to today's coffee industry. Because there are more jobs focused on sustainability, companies that focus on sustainability are growing faster, and young people have a growing desire to work for companies that meet their values. The coffee industry also faces many threats related to sustainable development. "many of these threats are handed down from generation to generation, but action from this generation is needed to give the industry a viable future."

She added: "as boutique coffee has become mainstream, its thorniest problems follow, and public news articles often question the value farmers get from the products they grow, the labels used to convey sustainability to consumers, and whether we can have coffee that is still worth drinking 30 years later, which is a reasonable expectation-- anyone who works in coffee. All need to understand these questions. "

The pricing of the course is usually determined by an authorized SCA trainer (AST), who can conduct the course at any SCA certified training school in the world.

According to SCA, basic courses are ready, while intermediate and professional courses will be launched soon. The following is a brief overview of each level of SCA:

The Foundation-Foundation course aims to educate people in the coffee supply chain about sustainability, transparency and corporate responsibility. The course covers the major sustainability issues facing the coffee industry today, the basic concepts of "sustainability", links to power dynamics, current and historical events and practices, and a variety of other coffee projects.

Intermediate-intermediate courses introduce participants to the challenges of global sustainability and help them begin to analyze the impact they want to make in this area.

Professional-professional courses will provide intensive practical experience for participants to design, implement and evaluate their own sustainable development projects based on individual, organizational or business goals and capabilities.