Coffee review

Starbucks sign language store Starbucks China has opened its first sign language store in Shanghai.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Starbucks opens another sign language store! Starbucks opened its first sign language store in Shanghai today, the company announced on its official Weibo account today. It is understood that this sign language store is Starbucks' first sign language store in Shanghai and the fourth sign language store in Starbucks China. Shanghai's first sign language store, located in Huangpu Green City, has been officially opened to the public, with a total of 12 partners.

Starbucks opens another sign language store!

Starbucks opened its first sign language store in Shanghai today, the company announced on its official Weibo account today.

It is understood that this sign language store is Starbucks' first sign language store in Shanghai and the fourth sign language store in Starbucks China.

Shanghai's first sign language store, located in the colorful green city of Huangpu, has been officially opened to the public, with a total of 12 partners, including five people with hearing impairment, who are reported to be wearing exclusive aprons for sign language stores-a row of sign language signs have been added under Starbucks Logo.

In terms of store layout, Starbucks Logo still uses the features of its previous sign language store Logo: Starbucks signs hang above Starbucks stores and STARBUCKS's "sign language password" below.

Like previous sign language stores, this Starbucks sign language store is also equipped with a special ordering system, handheld menus, handwriting boards and double-sided display screens to assist people with hearing impairment to order and pick up meals. The special ordering system includes an intelligent voice assistant developed by Microsoft for Starbucks, which converts customer order voice messages into text in real time. Clearly present the order content and details for the hearing impaired partner.

It is worth mentioning that Starbucks also has an electronic display screen in the store, which was previously available only in Starbucks Cafe Express stores, where a single frame can also be used.

So far, Starbucks has opened a number of sign language stores around the world. Wang Jingying, Starbucks' global executive vice president and chairman and CEO of Starbucks China, said at the opening of the country's first sign language store: "We have been committed to being a different company after more than 20 years of deep cultivation in the Chinese market." We hope that sign language stores can create more platforms for communication and self-expression for hearing impaired groups, and we hope that such exploration can help hearing impaired people discover their greater possibilities for life. It also allows starry fans and customers to understand and understand hearing impaired people through this special store, create a unique 'third space' experience for communities with different needs, and create a diverse, equal and integrated community atmosphere. "

Starbucks' sign language stores are not very different from ordinary Starbucks stores, but Starbucks said that sign language stores will focus on providing services for the deaf or the deaf. Hearing impaired consumers can communicate with all employees in the store in sign language without pressure.

According to statistics, Starbucks has four sign language stores in China, located in Guangzhou, Beijing, Hangzhou and Shanghai.

On May 19, 2019, Starbucks China opened its first sign language store, which is located in Oriental Wende Square in Yuexiu District of Guangzhou. It is also the quietest Starbucks store among Starbucks stores in China. Netizens call it "the quietest Starbucks", with 10 of its 17 staff members who are deaf.

On September 3, 2020, Starbucks opened its first Starbucks sign language store in Beijing West Railway Camp Wanda. The first sign language store in Beijing has seven deaf employees, the vast majority of whom are post-90s.

On December 3, 2020, Starbucks opened its first Starbucks sign language store in Hangzhou. The store, located in Binjiang City Star in Hangzhou, has 14 partners, including 7 hearing impaired ones.

Starbucks said: plans to launch sign language stores in Chengdu, Qingdao and other places, in accordance with Starbucks store opening trend, if there is no accident, Starbucks will accelerate the layout of sign language stores in other cities.

* Image source: Internet

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