Coffee review

Starbucks Cup has changed Starbucks launches new environmentally friendly Starbucks Space Bear Series Star Cup

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Oh, boy! Starbucks has also come up with a new style cup! On March 30th, GOODGOOD announced on its official Weibo that it had stepped out of the circle and announced that it would bring its own cup to its new product line in the future. It is understood that Starbucks launched such cups out of the concept of environmental protection. In order to encourage people to adhere to environmental protection actions, Starbucks has launched a series of future starships.

Oh, boy! Starbucks has also come up with a new style cup!

On March 30th, Starbucks announced "GOODGOOD out of the Circle" on its official Weibo account, and announced the launch of a new product, the future series, which will bring its own cup.

It is understood that Starbucks launched such cups out of the concept of environmental protection.

In order to encourage people to adhere to environmental protection actions, Starbucks has launched a series of future Starship own cups, which is also another new initiative of Starbucks in terms of environmental protection.

Judging from the pictures officially released by Starbucks, the design style of Starbucks' new environmentally friendly Starbucks Space Bear series is different from the previous style. this time the design is not only cute but also forward-looking, but also looks very cool.

Let's start with Kangkang picture horn.

It's really a "future series". It's full of science and technology.

In addition, Starbucks said: after buying the exclusive cups of the future series, you can also give a discount of 4 yuan every time you bring your own cup of coffee.

In fact, Starbucks has recently been piloting a two-month reusable cup project, called the borrow Cup Program (Borrow A Cup), at five stores in Seattle, from March 30 to May 31, to reduce disposable cup waste.

According to foreign media reports, when customers buy drinks, they can choose to pay a deposit of US $1 to choose reusable cups. Upon return, the deposit will be refunded and 10 Starbucks Star rewards will be given. Each recycled cup will be cleaned and sterilized to facilitate next use.

In addition, Starbucks Korea announced that it will officially stop using disposable cups in 2025 and gradually promote reusable loaned cups, after which reusable cups will be available in all stores in South Korea.

Starting in June, Starbucks will launch a "cup cycle" program in South Korea, under which customers only need to pay a "small deposit" to get reusable cups, which can be returned to contactless kiosks after use.

However, after Starbucks launched the news, it also triggered a heated discussion among netizens.

Some netizens think that there are hygiene problems in the recycling of take-out cups, and they have to pay a deposit before using them, so it is more practical to bring their own cups.

Although Starbucks' intention is good, it is all for the sake of environmental protection, but the disinfection and cleaning of this kind of cup needs to be done when it is used repeatedly. Now Starbucks has launched a future series of its own cups, which also revolve around the theme of "environmental protection". At the same time, it can also solve the problem of "deposit before use".

What a witty star dad! Business acumen 100 points!

* Photo Source: Weibo official Starbucks Network