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There are several kinds of tea classification in China. Introduction to the famous tea species based on the basic knowledge of six tea families.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, The history of Chinese tea is a long and gradual process of extraction. Generations of growers and producers have perfected China's way of making tea, as well as its many unique regional differences. The original idea was attributed to the legendary emperor Shennong, who is said to have lived 5000 years ago. His visionary decree requires, among other things, that all drinking water must be boiled for sanitation

The history of Chinese tea is a long and gradual process of extraction. Generations of growers and producers have perfected China's way of making tea, as well as its many unique regional differences. The original idea was attributed to the legendary emperor Shennong, who is said to have lived 5000 years ago. His visionary decree requires, among other things, that all drinking water must be boiled as a sanitary precaution. There is a story that goes like this: one summer day, when he and his ministers visited a distant place, they stopped to have a rest. In accordance with his orders, the servants began to boil water for the ministers to drink. Dried leaves from nearby bushes fell into the boiling water, and a brown substance was injected into the water. As a scientist, the emperor was very interested in the new liquid, drank some, and felt very refreshed. According to legend, tea was invented in 2737 BC.

Tea soon became a very popular drink and was deeply rooted in Chinese culture. This has led to many rituals and rituals related to tea, because tea is such an important part of the Chinese way of life.

Chinese tea ceremony

Although there are other tea ceremonies in China, Kungfu Tea's history can be traced back to hundreds of years ago and is the most famous. "Kung fu" refers to the art of doing something well, so this ceremony represents a philosophy that you need to invest time, energy and care to create a truly artistic tea experience. The style of kung fu looks low-key, but it completely changes the way you drink tea.

What do you need to create a kung fu tea ceremony? First of all, a peaceful, calm environment, including your mental state. There is no feeling of haste, haste, or nervousness. This is definitely not the routine of kung fu. Next, choose your tea. Traditional kung fu tea uses oolong tea, sometimes Pu'er tea, but rarely green tea. Please refer to the following section to learn more about Chinese tea. You can choose the best tea in the world, which is what we are famous for in Basilur, but if your water is not up to standard, you ruin the whole process. Use only the purest and cleanest water. Not only your taste buds and your guests will thank you, but you will also pay homage to the elements of nature and the earth while paying tribute to the spiritual nature of the Chinese people.

Six major tea families in China

[green tea]

Green tea is the most natural kind of tea. Although there are many different methods of producing green tea, the most common is tender tea, which is dried immediately after picking in order to retain its natural compounds as much as possible. This gives tea a hint of astringency and is rich in antioxidants. One of the most famous green teas is Longjing tea, which is produced in Hangzhou.

[White tea]

Like green tea, white tea goes through very little processing. Although the definition of white tea varies, it is generally believed that white tea never rolls tea or oxidizes, so it tastes light. The name of the tea tree comes from the silver hairs covering the buds of the tea tree.

[oolong Tea]

The taste of oolong tea is between green tea and black tea and is semi-oxidizing. It tastes quite mild, but it's stronger than you think, so don't underestimate it! The most famous oolong teas are Tieguanyin from Fujian and Dahongpao from Wuyishan.

[yellow tea]

Yellow tea is one of the rarer and expensive varieties of tea. It is produced by letting wet leaves dry naturally under a cloth, making it more mellow and less astringent than green tea. Because yellow is the color of the royal family, it is the traditional dress of the court. Yinzhen in Junshan, Hunan is the most famous yellow tea.

[black tea]

Confusingly, black tea is actually called red tea (hong cha) in Chinese, which refers to the color of the tea after brewing. Tea goes through several processes, including drying, oxidation and baking, which gives the tea its iconic black color. One of the most popular black teas is Keemun Black Tea and Zhengshan race black tea from Anhui Province, which is smoked on burning pine trees, giving it a unique flavor.

[post-fermented tea]

The most famous breed of fermented tea in China is Pu'er from Yunnan. After being rolled and dried, tea leaves undergo months to years of microbial fermentation. Pu'er is usually sold in round bricks marked with year and origin. Pu'er tea is considered to be good for digestion and is usually eaten with rich foods such as dim sum.