Coffee review

The six-piece set of oolong tea correctly use the brewing method to cover the bowl material to tell which is good or bad.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, A lid bowl is a kind of tea bowl, which consists of a lid, a plate and a bowl. It is called the bowl of three talents or the cup of three talents in Chinese. The cover represents heaven, the dish represents the earth, and the bowl represents people, implying the harmony between heaven and earth. Saucer or tea mat is also called tea boat in Chinese. The cover bowl cover has a unique shape and exquisite craftsmanship. The upper part is bigger than the lower part. The lid is small and installed in the edge of the bowl, so it is not easy to slip off.

A lid bowl is a kind of tea bowl, which consists of a lid, a plate and a bowl. It is called "three talents Bowl" or "three Talent Cup" in Chinese. The cover represents heaven, the dish represents the earth, and the bowl represents people, implying the harmony between heaven and earth. Saucer or tea mat is also called "tea boat" in Chinese.

The cover bowl cover has a unique shape and exquisite craftsmanship. The upper part is bigger than the lower part. The lid is small and installed in the edge of the bowl, so it is not easy to slip off, and the base is supported by a tray. It is a design with a lid for drinking tea, leaving only a small gap between openings, slowly filtering out the tea, which is very pleasant. UFOs are designated to maintain stability and avoid burns.

The lid bowl was originally a tea bowl used separately as a brewing pot, flushing tea and hot water into the bowl and serving it directly to the guests, or with filtered leafless pure tea. Of course, it is used in the same way as a teapot.

Later, it was found that the cover bowl as a teapot also has its convenience. You can directly appreciate the changes of tea in the bowl, and you can also easily control the thickness of tea. As a result, the lid bowl gradually evolved into a "brewing pot", acting as a combination of teapots and teacups.

Brewing with a lid bowl can be divided into single use and collective use, such as using a small lid bowl or a large lid bowl. The sizes of lid bowls on the market range from 80 to 300 milliliters, and the most common ones range from 120 milliliters to 150 milliliters.

The cover bowl was invented in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and was very popular in the middle of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1912). Today, in most Han and Hui areas, there is still the custom of drinking tea with covered bowls. It is also very popular in some large and medium-sized cities in southwest China, especially Chengdu. It has become a traditional tea set in Chengdu, Sichuan, Kunming and other local teahouses and other tea drinking places. It is generally used to entertain guests. In southern Fujian, a cover bowl is often used as a teapot to make tea. In northern China, it is more often used as a teacup, brewing and drinking directly with a lid bowl.

Lid bowls were used to brew scented tea and Tieguanyin tea in the past, but now there is no limit. It can be used as a teapot or a teacup to make tea. It is especially recommended to use a cover bowl to brew oolong tea. When evaluating the quality of tea, tea art experts usually prefer to use a cover bowl to test, which is easy to see and judge.

The most commonly used materials for capping bowls are porcelain, Yixing clay, glass and so on, while various hand-painted porcelain capping bowls are more popular. According to the manufacture and type, the cover bowl is divided into Ru kiln cover bowl, blue-and-white porcelain cover bowl, celadon cover bowl and so on.

Cover bowl tea has the advantages of simple, easy to learn, non-flavor absorption, fast heat conduction, practical, elegant, beautiful and so on.

How to use a lid bowl

Lids, bowls and dishes cannot be used separately; otherwise, according to Chinese traditional etiquette, it is neither good nor polite. But when you taste it alone, it's good.

When the tea is ready to taste, lift the lid and enjoy the aroma from the bottom of the lid and the tea. Gently remove the tea with a lid so that the thickness of the tea is uniform. Put the lid back on the bowl and leave enough space to suck up the tea. Pick up the lid and drink directly.

If you want to make stronger tea, gently push it with the lid and turn the tea over. The more you turn, the stronger the tea will be. This is a wonderful design.