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Yunnan Dianhong black tea where to produce the best drinking quality? Where can I buy an authentic Dianhong gold needle?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Yunnan black tea (Yunnan red) the name of Yunnan black tea Yunnan black tea is generally called Yunnan red in China. Yunnan Red literally means Yunnan Red. Yunnan is another name for Yunnan, named after the Bronze Age Kingdom of Dian, and later joined the Han Empire. In China, we call black tea because the color of the brewed tea is reddish brown. Yunnan

Yunnan black tea (Yunnan red) the name of Yunnan black tea Yunnan black tea is generally called Yunnan red in China. Yunnan Red literally means "Yunnan Red". Yunnan is another name for Yunnan, named after the Bronze Age Kingdom of Dian, and later joined the Han Empire. In China, we call "black tea" because the color of brewed tea is reddish brown. Characteristics of Yunnan black tea the main difference between Yunnan black tea and other Chinese black tea lies in the number of fine leaf buds in dried tea, or "Jinjian". It can be easily identified by its luscious soft leaves and unique pepper flavor. The first-class Yunnan black tea has a copper-gold-orange color, soft aroma and slightly astringent taste. The cheap Yunnan black tea brews a darker color and may be bitter. From Fengqing County in western Yunnan to southern Dali, Yunnan high-quality black tea is made by hand. Only twigs, including a tender leaf and a bud, are picked by hand, processed, and rolled into tightly shaped products. This is a very fine black tea, with the sweet taste of Yunnan malt, pleasant and slightly dry astringent taste, with little bitterness. This is a kind of tea that can stand brewing many times. For those who are not familiar with Yunnan black tea, we say that Yunnan black tea tastes similar to black tea in Assam, India. In fact, Yunnan Province is located in the northern part of Assam, India. Many tea experts speculate that this geographical proximity is the reason for the sharp characteristics of Yunnan black tea. Yunnan black tea is also a kind of very tolerant tea, and it will not taste bitter even if it is soaked too much. It can be said to be the most undervalued Chinese tea. High-quality Yunnan whole-leaf black tea is almost unheard of in the western market. If you want to have a try, we highly recommend it. Yunnan Province, a black tea growing area in Yunnan Province, is located in the southwest border of China, with rugged terrain, clouds and rivers. The province has abundant rainfall, mild climate and fertile land, which provides ideal conditions for tea cultivation. Yunnan black tea is made from Yunnan big-leaf tea trees, which makes it different from black tea in other places. The rich polyphenols make Yunnan black tea have a rich taste.

Although Yunnan black tea was first produced in Fengqing and Menghai counties, Yunnan black tea is now produced in most tea producing areas in Yunnan. Among them, western Yunnan is the main producing area of Yunnan black tea. Yunnan Fengqing, Yunxian and Changning have the strongest aroma of black tea. Yunnan black tea comes from western and southern Yunnan and can be distinguished according to its taste. Western tea has a mellow taste and a crisp finish, while southern tea is rich and spicy. Yunnan has a long history of tea production and is a magical place. I have been here on three business trips (I hope to go to Yunnan again this year). Every time, I was moved by its amazing scenery, especially the beauty of the tea garden. Believe it or not, I sat alone in the plantation watching the sunset. I felt like I was in heaven. According to the statistics of Yunnan tea varieties in 2003, there are 199 local tea species in Yunnan Province, including 46 asexual reproduction species and 153 sexual reproduction species. Yunnan tea is called "Yunnan Daye tea". It is listed as one of the best tea species in the world together with Indian Assam tea and Kenyan tea. Compared with lobular tea, the content of polyphenols, catechins and water-soluble substances in Yunnan tea is 5-7%, 30-60% and 3-5% higher. According to historical records, Yunnan has a history of domesticating aboriginal tea (known as "wild tea") for more than 2100 years. In Nanou Mountain, Menghai County, Yunnan Province, Bada, Menghai County, 1700 years ago, Lincang Bangwei, 1000 years ago, tea trees are still growing, which is the transition between wild tea trees and cultivated tea trees. They are regarded as the "three ancient tea trees" in the world. These ancient tea trees are considered to be the "living fossils" of indigenous tea trees in Yunnan.