Coffee review

How much is the authentic almond-scented Phoenix Dan fir per jin? Where does almond fragrant Phoenix single fir come from?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Some people ask me, apart from the popular Milan flavor, are there any other classic Phoenix oolong tea? In fact, there are quite a few Phoenix dancers designed to bake deeper than the bouquet style. Honey orchid is just a name that is better known because of various commercial conditions. Let's take a look at another variety, which is much less productive and well-known, but in Phoenix

Some people ask me, apart from the popular Milan flavor, are there any other classic Phoenix oolong tea?

In fact, there are quite a few Phoenix dancers designed to bake deeper than the bouquet style. Honey orchid is just a name that is better known because of various commercial conditions. Let's take a look at another breed, which is much less productive and well-known, but is highly respected among connoisseurs in Phoenix.

Sawing and chopping-- a serrated saw blade

Sawing is a variety that produces almond fragrance, which literally means the teeth of a small saw blade. We are never surprised by the way Chinese farmers mention their world.

In my opinion, this plant is almost the same as the dominant variety louver. I need to get confirmation from the local farmers. They say even fresh leaves can smell almonds. They refer to Chinese almonds, which are usually used as herbs in soup. The smell of almonds translates to the smell of almonds. I am familiar with the ingredients of traditional Chinese medicine, but I can't fully agree. But it does smell good.

According to Huang Bozi, a pioneer in the classification of Phoenix varieties and the most respected expert, the oldest extant Juduo was cut from a 300-year-old tree in 1966. Its mother tree died in 1970, but its descendants are now one of the main species of Wudong, and Wudong has always been their home.

Wudu, the Holy Land of Phoenix Dancong

As mentioned in other articles, most farmers in Wuli harvest only once a year. They are not lazy. If you see how they work in the spring, relaxation is the farthest idea, and rest is impossible. Many people even stay awake for several days in a row. They require plants to store large amounts of nutrients in a natural way to maximize the taste and aroma of the leaves.

Different varieties have different budding stages in Phoenix. Almond incense is one of the earlier, with Milan incense and others.

Pulling out the wrong size is a sin. April is crazy in Wushu. Farmers compete to hire pickers to avoid excessive growth of leaves, deterioration of quality, or complete waste.

Then, before the actual processing, there will be competition to expand and dry the leaves. Without proper solar energy input, Phoenix's score can be turned into a maximum of 6. This is why the weather during the harvest season is very important to these traditional farmers.