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Differences in production process and aroma and taste between Fujian rock tea and Phoenix Dancong

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Rock tea is more of a single clump of heavy water to seek fragrance. Rock tea is more ripe and more transparent than a single clump of green tea. A single clump is relatively light, so that the taste of rock tea is stronger than that of a single clump. The single-clump process is generally similar to the rock tea process, which is also vegetables, drying, shaking, stir-frying, kneading and baking. Rock tea

Rock tea is more heavy water for fragrance, single cluster is more heavy fragrance for water rock tea will be more ripe and more transparent than single cluster green tea, single cluster is relatively lighter, so rock tea tastes stronger than single cluster. Single cluster technology is similar to rock tea technology on the whole. It is also vegetables, drying, shaking, frying, kneading and baking. Rock tea is more transparent than single clusters. Or heavy. Wuyi rock tea and phoenix single cluster tea belong to oolong tea, wuyi rock tea belongs to northern fujian oolong tea, phoenix single cluster tea belongs to guangdong oolong tea, there are many similarities in the production process, but also do not have their own technological characteristics. I. Wuyi Rock Tea Production Process According to GB/T 18745-2006 Geographical Indication Product Wuyi Rock Tea: Wuyi Rock Tea refers to Oolong tea with rock rhyme (rock bone flower fragrance) quality characteristics within the administrative area under Wuyishan City of Fujian Province, selected suitable tea varieties for asexual breeding or cultivation under the unique natural ecological environment of Wuyishan Mountain. Wuyi rock tea production process is divided into preliminary process and refining process. Wuyi rock tea preliminary process: tea green → sun green or withering → green → rolling → drying (first drying, spreading cool, redrying) → wool tea. Wuyi rock tea refining process: raw tea → stacking, grading → sifting tea extraction → sorting, winnowing → sifting tea blending → drying → spreading cool → uniform stacking → self-inspection → quantitative packaging → product tea.

Second, Phoenix single cluster tea production process The current national standard GB/T 30766-2014 tea classification stipulates: "Guangdong oolong tea: using fresh leaves of specific tea varieties in Chaozhou and Meizhou areas of Guangdong Province, strip products made by specific processing technology." According to the current effective local standard of Guangdong Province DB44/T820 -2010 Geographical Indication Product Phoenix Single Cluster (fir) Tea, it is stipulated that "Phoenix Single Cluster (fir) Tea is made of Phoenix narcissus separated and bred strains and varieties under the natural ecological environment conditions specified in Chapter 3 of this standard according to unique traditional processing technology. It has unique flower fragrance, fir rhyme and honey rhyme. The finished tea has the following unique natural flower fragrance characteristics: Yellow Zhixiang, Zhilan Xiang, Magnolia Xiang, Honey Orchid Xiang, Almond Xiang, Ginger Flower Xiang, Cinnamon Xiang, Osmanthus Xiang, Evening Primrose Xiang and Jasmine Xiang and other fragrances." Phoenix single cluster tea production process is divided into preliminary process and refining process. Preliminary processing technology: sun green-cool green-make green (wave vegetables)-deactivation (fried tea)-rolling-drying. Refining process: wool tea-piling-picking and sifting-piling (grading)-baking (flavoring)-cooling-packaging-finished tea. Third, Wuyi rock tea and phoenix single cluster production difference in the production process, phoenix single cluster and Wuyi rock tea have always learned from each other. The main difference lies in two points: fermentation degree and baking degree. In order to highlight the fragrance of flowers, the fermentation degree of phoenix single cluster is lighter than rock tea. Similarly, in order to highlight the fragrance of flowers, its baking fire is mainly to dry for storage, and does not emphasize the pyrotechnic fragrance. Fermented light is achieved through the method of making green, rock tea is "shaking green", phoenix single cluster is "making hands", the intensity is small, the time is also short; baking light is achieved through controlling the time, in the link of rebaking, rock tea rebaking time usually takes more than ten hours, phoenix single cluster rebaking time will be much shorter. Double-frying and double-kneading technology is a unique method in the production process of Wuyi rock tea, and it is also a very important link. Re-frying can make up for the deficiency of the first stir-frying, and promote the formation and persistence of the fragrance, taste and rhyme of rock tea through re-heating; re-kneading makes the raw tea rope tighter and more beautiful. Double-fried and double-kneaded Wuyi rock tea unique "dragonfly head","frog skin","three-section color". Wuyi rock tea pay attention to heavy multiple baking fire, soup color is dark, there is a special "pyrotechnic incense." The purpose of rebaking (rebaking) in the initial process is to bake the tea to the required degree of dryness to reduce the loss of tea aroma and tea loss. When rebaking, the temperature should be lower than the initial baking. Tea in the foot dry basis, and then slow fire slow roast, popular called "stew fire." Stewing is an important process in the traditional preparation of Wuyi rock tea. The slow fire stewing of Wuyi rock tea is an essential and important process in the traditional preparation method. The tea leaves mixed evenly are stewed slowly for a long time continuously, not only to remove water and preserve quality, but also to promote the transformation of tea contents after low temperature and long baking. At the same time, the aroma and taste are further improved by fire seasoning, so as to achieve the effects of ripening aroma, improving soup color and improving bubble resistance. The superb skill of stewing fire is unique to Wuyi rock tea. "Wuyi rock tea ten baked into gold","Wuyi rock tea flavor from baked thick", these ancient Wuyi rock tea charcoal baking process praise.