Coffee review

Dirty and messy! A Manner coffee shop in Shanghai has been filed for investigation.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, As Shanghai continues to promote the resumption of work and return to the market, various catering industries in Shanghai have carried out the work of returning to work in an orderly manner, providing takeout, large single group purchase and other business. Perhaps people who have just returned to work and the demand for orders are too enthusiastic, and people who return to work are busy every day, so they "accidentally" ignore some problems that need to be taken seriously.

As Shanghai continues to promote the resumption of work and return to the market, various catering industries in Shanghai have carried out the work of returning to work in an orderly manner, providing takeout, large single group purchase and other business. Perhaps people who have just returned to work and the demand for orders are too enthusiastic, and people who return to work are busy every day, so they "accidentally" ignore some issues that require great attention, such as food safety.

During a recent on-site inspection of the Wujiang Road No.1 store (MANNER COFFEE) of Shanghai Yinhe Industrial Co., Ltd., law enforcement officials of the Jing'an District Market Regulatory Administration found that the store had poor environmental hygiene and failed to store food in accordance with regulations, according to a report by the Shanghai Municipal Market Regulatory Administration on May 22.


The head of the regulatory authority said that the waste scraps and stickers of packaged food scattered on the floor of the food treatment area of the store, there was dirt on the floor, and the food bags for sale were placed directly on the ground, which was at risk of pollution.

As can be seen from the picture, the environment is so messy that there are suspected packaged products for distribution even on the entry carpet. Two boxes of food raw materials that need to be refrigerated, "Meiji milk", are placed on the floor of the store at will after opening the box, and the environment in the store is "a mess".


In addition, seven cases of unopened "Meiji milk" were placed on the ground outside the store, and the clerk did not refrigerate 2 ℃-6 ℃ according to the storage requirements of the product label. Law enforcement officers on the spot ordered the parties to immediately close the shop to clean up the environmental hygiene, put the milk into the cold storage, and check the properties before opening the seal.


Due to the poor environmental hygiene and failure to store food in accordance with the regulations, the store is suspected of violating Article 33, paragraph 1 (1) of the Food Safety Law of the people's Republic of China, "Food production and operation shall meet food safety standards." and to meet the following requirements: (1) to have places for the handling of food raw materials and food processing, packaging and storage commensurate with the variety and quantity of food produced and operated. Keep the environment of the place clean and tidy, and keep the prescribed distance from toxic, harmful places and other pollution sources.

And in violation of the provisions of the first paragraph of Article 54 of the Food Safety Law of the people's Republic of China that food operators shall store food in accordance with the requirements of ensuring food safety, inspect the food in stock regularly, and clean up the food that has deteriorated or exceeded its shelf life in time. Therefore, the Jing'an District Market Regulatory Bureau has filed a case for investigation at this point in accordance with the law.

The market supervision department warns that catering units should implement the main responsibility of food safety, strengthen the control and management of food raw materials and the process of food production and operation, and strictly follow the storage conditions and shelf life indicated on the food label. to ensure the safety of meals.

With high temperatures in May, milk that needs to be stored in cold storage is placed directly outside and will soon deteriorate, which is irresponsible to consumers and, for whatever reason, is not an excuse to ignore food safety.

Photo source: Weibo