Coffee review

Nestle opens a "Sleep Cafe"! What about insomnia? Have a cup of coffee!

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Have you slept well lately? Lack of sleep and insomnia have become troubling problems for many people now. In order to get a better sleep, people begin to try all kinds of sleep aids and products. With this increasing demand, the sleep economy has gradually sprung up in recent years. From pillows and bed products to eye masks and earplugs

Have you slept well lately? Lack of sleep and insomnia have become troubling problems for many people now. In order to get a better sleep, people begin to try all kinds of sleep aids and products. With this increasing demand, the sleep economy has gradually sprung up in recent years.

From pillow bed products to eye masks and earplugs, from drug aids to electronic sleep aids, the boundaries of sleep products are rapidly expanding and moving toward the "high end". Spraying sleep spray, lighting aromatherapy candles, eating a melatonin fudge and wearing a steam eye mask have become a necessary "quadrilogy" for many people before going to bed every day.


Although well-equipped, but every day is still a state of lack of sleep. So the lunch break has become a "sleep" time that many people cherish very much. But after all, the environment in which the office can sleep well is limited, so sleeping halls that provide lunch breaks have begun to emerge. Among them, Nestle Coffee Company has also become one of them.

"Ah! Isn't coffee refreshing? It's not convincing for a coffee maker to open a sleep hall. " Hey, that's not right! Coffee can help you sleep! And sleep better!


In March this year, the Nestle Coffee Company of Japan opened a "Nestl é Sleep Cafe" in downtown Tokyo, in order to allow exhausted workers to enjoy delicious food and take a nap during their lunch break or free time. That's all? It's not that simple! Take a nap and have a sense of ritual! And before going to bed, be sure to drink a cup of sugar-free black coffee!

There are several separate sleeping rooms in this sleep cafe, with soft blankets, different soft and hard memory pillows, soft sofas and beds that allow people to lie down. you can choose how to sleep according to your own needs. The light in the room can also be adjusted, either in full black mode or in soft light mode. If you feel quiet, you can also play nature music to help you sleep.


The music was specially used by Nestl é for a year to record the sounds of the four seasons of nature with high-standard recording equipment in Baishen Mountain, Nara Prefecture, Tian Chuan Village, Nara Prefecture, and Mingli Valley, Saitama Prefecture. The sound source used for playing will be more than 500 times more delicate than the existing sound source on the Internet, making everyone listening to music more immersive, just like sleeping in nature.

Sleep Cafe offers two kinds of sleep packages: "siesta" and "deep sleep". The 30-minute "nap" package will bring you a cup of caffeinated black coffee with caffeine when you wake up, which costs 825 yen (about 41 yuan); the 60-minute "deep sleep" package will give you a cup of unsweetened, low-caffeinated black coffee before you go to bed to help you fall asleep, and then provide another cup of caffeinated black coffee to help you wake up, priced at 1650 yen (about 82 yuan). Didn't get enough sleep for an hour? Sleep time can be extended, charging 825 yen (about 41 yuan) for every 30 minutes.


Worried about being too comfortable and oversleeping? No, I won't! At that point, there will be a special person to wake you up gently.

The experience duration and process set by Nestle Sleep Cafe is actually a popular concept of "Coffee Nap" in recent years. The principle is that when the brain exercises, it naturally secretes a chemical called "adenosine", which slows down nerve cells and makes people drowsy. Caffeine can block the operation of adenosine, so it can have a refreshing effect. However, caffeine takes 30 minutes to work, so drink a cup of coffee before going to bed, take a nap, get rid of excess adenosine during sleep, and wake up more refreshed.


The basic principle of a good life is not only to sleep well, but also to eat well, so under the guidance of Lin Guangxu, a professor at Hiroshima University who studies sleep health, the coffee shop offers meals rich in tryptophan, such as "Fried Shrimps in Hot Spicy Sauce Rice", "steak Vegetables Salad" and "grapefruit caramel baked bun" to help calm the mind and improve the quality of sleep.

Since the opening of Nestle Sleep Cafe, many people have gone to sleep every day. We can see that life is really not easy for everyone. According to the feedback from netizens who have experienced it, it is possible to have a good rest for a while, probably because the environment relaxes everyone.


Both work and life make us "resistant" to the environment in the office and at home, which is why we don't get enough sleep for a long time. But changing the environment is really much better, especially with the music of nature, which is really relaxing and calming down a lot.

Would you like to try this kind of sleep coffee shop if it is opened in China?


Many friends may feel that the consumers of these experiences are "hypocritical" when they see this, but for people with insomnia, it is extremely precious to be able to sleep well for an hour.


With the continuous development of society, not only do we not get enough sleep, but also the time of sleep is unstable. Although we have the saying of "supplementary sleep", that is, we have the habit of staying up late on weekdays and sleeping for a long time on weekends or holidays, it is difficult to repay the "sleep debt" brought about by staying up late. It may even be more serious than the physical dysfunction caused by persistent lack of sleep, and you will get more tired from sleep, dizziness, headache and muscle soreness when you get up.

In addition to the lack of sleep among adults, the lack of sleep among teenagers is also very serious. According to the 2019 White Paper on the Sleep Index of Chinese Youth and Children released by the China Sleep Research Association on World Sleep Day this year, 62.9 percent of young children get less than eight hours of sleep, compared with 81.2 percent of junior high school students. The reason is also because of stress and anxiety.


These may seem like a very normal thing, but sleep disorders for a long time can increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. People with all kinds of sleep disorders in China account for about 38% of the population, and the incidence rate is higher than the world average of 27%.

Some domestic research reports have pointed out that lack of sleep and too much sleep can damage memory for less than 6 hours, the risk of coronary heart disease or stroke is 11% higher, and the protein related to Alzheimer's disease will increase in geometric multiples; people who sleep more than 9 hours a day will also have a significant increase in Alzheimer's related proteins, which is also prone to memory loss.


Although many sleep-aiding products and sleep-aiding methods are constantly being developed and promoted, the person who unlocks the bell still needs to tie the bell. If we are really unable to self-regulate the state of autonomous sleep for a long time, we need to pay more attention to mental health problems and find relevant professionals for treatment as soon as possible.

Coffee, although refreshing, can help sleep, but it is not magic medicine, or should not be over-dependent and intake.

Photo Source: Internet

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