Coffee review

The development of Chinese coffee is not only dressed in the coat of Chinese elements.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In the past year, coffee shops with traditional Chinese style elements have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain. With the demand of the new generation of consumers for "national tide" and "local culture", in order to cater to the public, the style and coffee products of many cafes gradually coincide with the local representative food, food culture, traditional style and so on.

In the past year, coffee shops with traditional Chinese style elements have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain. With the demand of the new generation of consumers for "national tide" and "local culture", in order to cater to the public, the style and coffee products of many cafes are gradually integrated with the local representative food, food culture, traditional style and so on. Through the cultural consensus, the imported coffee has moved towards the road of Chinese style.

Yesterday, the new tea brand, which has always been famous for its Chinese style, also announced the opening of five coffee shops with traditional Chinese styles in a popular business district in Changsha.


Compared with wine and tea, coffee is a popular drink recently. Although there are many books that record the emergence of coffee for hundreds of years, the real popularity began with the advent of instant coffee in the 1940s. After the introduction of instant coffee from coffee brands such as Nestl é and Maxwell, coffee has officially become a mass consumer product.

With the increasing demand for coffee and more and more people pursuing the taste of coffee, since the 1960s, cafes began to focus on the use of Arabica coffee beans of better quality. and the use of heavy roasting and with a high concentration of pressurized extract coffee, so that people can drink the full-bodied flavor of coffee when adding milk and sugar.


However, the taste of coffee under these two trends is not acceptable to everyone, which makes everyone mention that coffee can always be associated with bitterness. In order to change the public stereotype that coffee is only bitter and make more people willing to accept / taste coffee, after the millennium, the quality of coffee beans has been continuously improved, and cafes have begun to use shallow roasting and dripping filters. let the coffee show a fruit-like sweet and sour flavor and more flavor levels.

This flavor is also very much in line with the pursuit of the taste of drinks by a generation of consumers in the millennium or children, so after ten years of precipitation, whether at home or abroad, since 2010, more and more boutique coffee shops with high quality, fresh and shallow baking and distinct layers have been opened in pursuit of ‍.

Although there are many boutique cafes, the domestic culture of drinking tea for thousands of years can not make consumers accept coffee at once. At the same time, the prices of freshly ground coffee and fine coffee are slightly higher than those of new tea drinks.

So although more and more boutique coffee shops are opened, coffee is still not in demand. Until the emergence of domestic coffee lucky, manner and other local brands to hold down the price of coffee, more and more people in China consume coffee.

With more consumer demand, domestic coffee practitioners began to form a view: when coffee comes to a region, it will have its own unique way of expressing coffee and let people all over the world remember it.

Japan has a Japanese style because of its unique baking and brewing, while Australia has formed an Australian style because of its dedication to the flavor of Italian milk coffee, so China should also have its own way to express Chinese coffee.

Although it is too late for coffee to prevail in China, it can't lose itself. Therefore, compared with the Chinese brewed coffee created by the Chinese in Southeast Asia, the new Chinese coffee in China pays more attention to the decoration of coffee shops and the appearance of coffee products, which can resonate with consumers.


Chinese traditional cutlery coffee, with traditional Chinese style decoration, innovative coffee with region-specific food culture, these new Chinese-style coffee is good or bad, everyone's view is different.

As a visual animal, human beings gradually shorten the distance between Chinese people and coffee through the outer packaging of products, which is helpful for people to recognize coffee, and then gradually promote coffee grown in Yunnan, and then gradually form a coffee culture that can represent China.

Just like chili, this species is originally imported, but for hundreds of years, the native cultivation, harvest, circulation and local adaptation of chili peppers have enabled chili peppers to show their own unique aroma and spicy taste in every region of China. And then through people in different regions in their own way to create a lot of home-cooked dishes, and as people migrate to spread around the world, gradually let people mention chili peppers can always be linked with some Chinese cuisine.


The style of coffee has just begun, and it is not overnight for the world to think of China immediately when they talk about coffee. There is still a long way to go to finally get people all over the world to recognize the Chinese coffee style.

Of course, the same thing can be developed without innovation. Only innovation can attract more mass consumers, there are more mass consumer demand, in order to have better communication and development. Since the new Chinese coffee style can capture the hearts of consumers, it should take advantage of such an opportunity to spread more correct coffee knowledge.

The existing new Chinese-style coffee is more of a reverse guide of new consumption habits, which may be a good start, but if you want to be recognized and inherited like Japanese and Australian schools, you can't do without professionalism.

China itself has the advantage of growing local coffee, just like chili peppers, only by constantly cultivating and growing coffee beans that can represent the flavor of Yunnan producing areas, and studying the baking ideas and extraction methods suitable for Yunnan coffee, can the world really remember Chinese coffee.


Japanese coffee, Australian coffee and other schools are recognized by everyone, can not be separated from professionalism ~ at the same time, this professionalism is for every consumer, leading everyone to feel the charm of a cup of coffee, so that everyone can feel the love of coffee from people in every region.

It attracts the attention of the public but shows an unprofessional side, which will only deepen the world's misunderstanding of Chinese coffee. Innovation makes more people accept coffee, understanding Chinese coffee is a good start, but it also needs root and soul to promote Chinese coffee, otherwise people will only remember the appearance of Chinese coffee, can not remember the charm of Chinese coffee.

Photo Source: Internet

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