Coffee review

What does Chinese coffee mean? Chinese traditional snack + coffee becomes the traffic password of coffee shop.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) more boutique coffee beans please add private Wechat Qianjie coffee, WeChat: qjcoffeex, Western-style dim sum was almost standard in coffee shops! At that time, I was selling Chinese snacks in the shop.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: qjcoffeex

Once upon a time, Western-style snacks were almost standard in coffee shops! At that time, selling Chinese snacks in the store could be said to be capitalized.

There is such a trend, on the one hand, coffee, as an imported product, is influenced by the culture of foreign cafes, and Western-style dim sum is also imitated by Asian cafes.


On the one hand, the former coffee products were usually full-bodied and full-bodied, while the Western-style dim sum itself was mixed with a variety of fragrant ingredients. First taste a dessert, the tongue will be attached to a layer of cake oil and sweetness, can reduce people feel the bitter substances in the coffee, and better distinguish the other flavor aroma of the coffee.

But nowadays, as coffee has gradually become the daily life of Chinese people, Western-style dim sum is no longer the focus of coffee shops.


Those traditional Chinese snacks, which were once regarded as "unsuitable materials", have gradually become the standard in domestic coffee shops and the flow password of coffee brands.

How hot is Chinese snack + coffee?

After the introduction of pancake fruit and coffee from a coffee shop in Shanghai, a combination of traditional snacks and coffee has become popular in cafes across the country.

There are "Coffee + Glutinous Rice Balls, Youtiao, Fried Baked Scallion Pancake" in Ningbo, "Coffee + Rice Coffee / Taro Cake" in Chaozhou, "Coffee + dried Plum vegetable buckle Meat Cake" in Kunming, "Youtiao sesame paste + Coffee" in Jingdezhen, "Coffee + Chaoshan rice noodle roll" in Shantou, and "Coffee + all kinds of steamer dim sum" in Guangzhou.


Today, these traditional snacks + coffee are not limited to all kinds of cakes and cakes, more and more coffee shops begin to match bowl snacks. For example, radish + coffee, all kinds of bowl noodles + coffee, all kinds of pot powder + coffee and so on.


Traditional snacks have gradually become standard in coffee shops, more because people no longer only pursue Western-style snacks, but also turn to daily, approachable, multi-consumption scenes of Chinese snacks, which are more in line with the needs of Chinese consumers.

Will Chinese snacks + coffee become the trend in the future?

I believe that Chinese snacks + coffee is the combination of breakfast and lunch for many friends. This combination can be said to be very daily, but the snacks in A shop and coffee in B shop can be bought in the same store.

Because this combination will more or less bring a sense of impact, in the understanding and impression of many people, coffee is paired with Western food, and this combination of Chinese and Western style, for many friends, is still quite novel.


As for this combination, will it become a new trend in the cafe? Nothing is absolute, but there is always a process of being accepted, and someone needs to take this step.

In addition to the curiosity-seeking psychology of consumers, the consumption and eating habits of modern young people are constantly changing, and more people are willing to break through some traditional / inherent matching patterns.


Compared with Western-style snacks, Chinese snacks are a more daily and high-frequency choice for Chinese consumers. From a side point of view, people's positioning of coffee has gradually become common and has become a part of many people's daily lives.

Photo Source: Internet