Coffee review

SOE is mostly sour? What does it mean? Is it a single bean? what's the difference between it and Italian blending?

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, What is SOE and what's the difference between it and matching? In fact, in the early years, Italian concentration did not have the concepts of blending and SOE, because people used SOE at that time. When transportation inconvenience information was underdeveloped, people could only use varieties from local producing areas as Italian beans, and it was precisely because they did not pay attention at that time.

What is SOE and what's the difference between it and matching?

In fact, in the early years, Italian concentration did not have the concepts of matching and SOE, because people used SOE at that time. When transportation inconvenience information was underdeveloped, people could only use varieties from local producing areas as Italian beans, and it was precisely because they did not pay attention to the quality of beans at that time that the coffee extracted was not refined enough and there would be a relatively large flaw, resulting in a blending after the war promoted international trade exchanges.

Blending coffee "Blend Espresso" refers to the blending of more than two beans: different producing areas and different varieties of coffee beans can bring different flavors, through a certain proportion of mixing, can better highlight, increase and balance the extracted Italian concentrate, bringing better taste to the coffee. For example: many commercial beans will be mixed with Robusta beans, may need its strong fat, or may want to reduce the cost, at this time you need to use other beans to suppress the bad taste of Robusta, to get a balanced Italian coffee beans.

The full name "Single Origin Espresso" of SOE coffee refers to the espresso obtained by extracting coffee beans from a single place of origin. In this way, it can maximize its unique flavor due to planting environment, soil, climate and other factors.

The omen of SOE's debut

Boutique coffee is the core mainstream of the third wave of coffee, which not only pays attention to the quality of coffee beans, but also emphasizes the importance of coffee showing unique and excellent flavor, while individual coffee has a strong expressive force to reflect the core of the wave. therefore, a wide variety of individual coffee has emerged one after another, especially the hand-brewed coffee that bears the brunt.

With the spread of time, the wave of fine goods has penetrated into the "Italian-style producing areas" at the core of the second wave. At this point, SOE, here we go!

SOE is beginning to show its edge

Traditional espresso has always been used in the field of blended beans, baristas at that time constantly pondered and studied in the field of blending, only to have a unique formula and racked their brains! In the 2007 World Coffee Brewing Competition ("WBC", full name "World Barista Championship"), James Hoffman (James Hoffmann) and SOE were born like Jay Chou in the Chinese music world, winning the championship. All of a sudden, everyone's values have been subverted, a single bean can be used to make espresso? And it tastes so good! In this way, people have a new understanding of the use of beans in espresso. As long as the beans are good enough, you don't need a complex Italian formula to get a unique cup of good coffee.

Get to the point: why are most SOE sour?

Different beans express different flavors, such as Huakui's medium-and shallow-baked SOE, which is rich in flower and fruit flavors, or medium-to-deep baking, such as Manning, which emphasizes black spices. But when the store already has a traditional deep-baked bean with a strong burnt flavor, and then chooses a SOE to join, the merchant will consider considering it from the customer's point of view and diversify it, so as to select medium-and shallow-baked beans with different performance. Medium and shallow baking will keep the beans more sour than deep baking, and it will taste sweeter and sweeter. This is why most SOE is sour.



Front Street Cafe

No. 10 Baoqian street, Yandun road, Dongshankou, Yuexiu district, Guangzhou, Guangdong province