Coffee review

Starbucks buy one get one free, shop assistant: please don't order any more.

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, Recently, a netizen who claimed to be an employee of Starbucks posted a post on the social platform, "buy one get one free, can you get out of Starbucks?" he also said that he went to the bar at 9 o'clock and rushed to the peak until 1 p.m., skipping brunch and then going back to work in the afternoon. Many Starbucks employees are also on the social platform.

Recently, a netizen who claimed to be an employee of Starbucks posted a post on the social platform, "buy one get one free, can you get out of Starbucks?" he also said that he went to the bar at 9 o'clock and rushed to the peak until 1 p.m., skipping brunch and then going back to work in the afternoon.


Many Starbucks employees also posted a message on the social platform: "stop ordering, please stop ordering Starbucks!" , "can't finish it, can't finish it at all", "Let's finish the activity, my partner is exhausted."


They also complain crazily in the comments section: "hands are swinging away", "what does the first cup of milk tea in autumn have to do with Starbucks", "when I think of 10 hours tomorrow, I collapse", "my legs are still shaking", "alone at the bar like a spinning top".


It is reported that Starbucks launched two models on August 7, namely sea salt caramel and rum chocolate-flavored mousse concentrate. It also launched buy one get one free on August 8 and 10-11, and free distribution for the whole week from August 7 to 13. A series of new products + activities led to a burst of orders in the store for a time, and the bar for making drinks seemed to have just finished the war, with all kinds of milk, cream guns, syrup and other materials piled all over the table.


If you make mistakes when you are busy, there will be some rollover from time to time. The lid may have its own idea! )


And coffee sprinkled everywhere. Starbucks clerk os: can you outsource this job to Rui Xing? they are more familiar with billing.


Q: "do you have any suggestions for drinking Starbucks for the first time?"

A: "not recommended."


Some netizens suggested that Starbucks also arrange 9.9 to play with Ruixing. The blogger immediately replied: "that's no good. Just say it if you want me to die."


The activity is so popular because the takeout platform is also online at the same time. However, after receiving it, many netizens found that the drink was not satisfied with the cup. It is estimated that after a period of time from the completion of the production to the delivery of the drink to the customer, the concentration of the upper layer has been defoamed or directly fused together. There is no obvious stratification.


Many netizens said that the picture of the drink they got did not match the real thing. Some netizens also contacted the merchants and the takeout platform, and the merchants said that they served according to the standard and could not be refunded, while the takeout platform only put forward the compensation scheme of returning 10 yuan coupons.


Some netizens have suggested that this model can be removed from the shelves on the takeout platform. There is only half a cup left when the takeout is delivered, and Starbucks employees will be scolded for their dissatisfaction and poor experience.


As for what the blogger said about canceling buy one get one free, some netizens agreed very much, because they didn't have a coffee match, and it was too much for one person to drink two cups. It would be nice to have a single cup at half price.


At present, according to the latest news from bloggers, the buy one get one free and free shipping activities on Thursday and Friday have been cancelled, and the delivery fee for the delivery platform has been updated to be reduced by 3 yuan.


However, the author checked the takeout platform and found that free shipping and a 50% discount on two cups on Tuesdays and Fridays are still displayed. For this event, perhaps even the brand side did not expect it to be so popular. According to the blogger, there were only two clerks in their store that morning, so they were a little overwhelmed by the huge order volume. As for the reasons for the cancellation of these activities, it remains to be further explained by the brand.


Picture from: Internet

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