Coffee review

Ruixing wants to co-sign with Victoria's Secret? Netizen: ugly!

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, ▲ click to follow | Daily boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop has a good saying, co-signed year after year, especially this year. Well, Lucky's new joint name is already on its way. Recently, there is a news circulating on the social network: lucky is going to co-sign with Victoria's Secret, there are co-signed paper bags and cup covers, the new product is Gui

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There is a good saying that there are joint names year after year, especially this year. Well, Lucky's new joint name is already on its way.

Recently, there is a news circulating on the social network: lucky is going to co-sign with Victoria's Secret, there are co-signed paper bags and cup covers, the new product is sweet-scented osmanthus Longjing latte, which is scheduled to launch tomorrow. Wait, Victoria's Secret? Is it the Victoria's Secret Angel who walks the catwalk? This can all reach a joint name?!


Click to search "Lucky Victoria's Secret" with curiosity, and when you see a pair of pink wings on Ruixing coffee cup, you can be sure that the joint object is really the legendary well-known lingerie brand (Victoria's Secret).

In this regard, many lucky fans frowned, silently left a series of question marks in the comment area of "drama through post", and even doubted their own eyes. Two seemingly unrelated brands can be combined, making many netizens repeatedly sigh, "now the joint name is really messy stew."


Of course, the most eye-catching part of the cross-border brand is the material. In addition to the shocking news of the linkage, there is also the pink wing cup cover with great visual impact. Many netizens said bluntly that it was ugly, "this little wing is very difficult to judge", "the neighborhood does not know, this cup cover is really ugly", "ugly refuses to love, abandon Ruitudi".


Of course, under the rendering of the filter, Lucky's joint wing cup cover and paper bag still show its good-looking side, successfully attracting the attention of many young girl netizens, all saying that they are looking forward to it and hope to be included in the bag.

As for the limited cooperation with Victoria's Secret, some netizens ridiculed Ruixing that they should pay more attention to the shape of cup covers and drinks, "Why not than ji Ni style", "send underwear", "Why not have a silk stocking coffee (refer to silk stockings milk tea)".

Just as the "spoiler picture" was flying, Ruixing officially released a picture and text of "I'VE GOT SECRET TO SHOW" in the morning, which also officially confirmed the "grapevine news" jointly signed with Victoria's Secret.


Therefore, I hope to warm up in advance through joint names and harvest a wave of attention by the way.

As a "veteran" of the joint name circle, Rui Xing has carried out joint names across the border from logo, packaging, taste, surrounding, and stores, and has created many excellent cases (of course, it has also tried to roll over), which once made people think that Ruixing is a brand planning company, not a coffee seller.

But I have to say that Lucky does have some incredible talent in choosing to cooperate with IP in this matter, which is basically a combination of strong and strong forces to achieve the effect of plus+. And this time with the international well-known clothing brand maintenance secret joint name, the effect, let's wait and see!

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