Coffee review

Outrageous! Refused to make a bid, but was maliciously criticized.

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, ▲ Click to follow | Daily boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop nowadays, people rely heavily on review software for their daily food, drink and pleasure, and often open and check the high-score stores before leaving, then check the bad reviews to decide whether to go to experience or not. Recently, a coffee shop said that its shop was maliciously rated badly?

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Nowadays, people rely heavily on review software for their daily food, drink and pleasure, and they often open and check the high-score stores and then check the bad reviews before going out to decide whether to go to the experience or not.

Recently, a coffee shop said that its shop had been maliciously rated badly.

As can be seen on the review platform, under the store's page, users anonymously rated a bad score of 0.5, and commented: "Don't come!" The environment is super bad! The yard is dirty! Cigarette butts all over the floor! The attitude of this boss is extremely bad! The coffee tastes terrible! " The picture even shows part of the side face of the coffee shop clerk.


The user also said that there is dirt in the coffee! According to the visual observation of the picture, there is a green unknown floating on the surface of the ice that looks like a floc of plants.


After looking at the surveillance video, the shopkeeper found that the customers on this trip may not be ordinary consumers, but in the name of drinking coffee. "they are three adults with a child, only order a latte, and then change the child's clothes, so it is obvious that they are changing their children into different clothes to take pictures."


It is said that at that time, the shopkeeper had reminded customers that there were explicit rules in the store: in order to ensure customers' dining experience, the store refused to change clothes to take pictures and refused to take pictures in all forms. The shopkeeper said: "it is certainly no problem for customers to take ordinary life photos, but we do not support attempts to shoot them commercially."


The shopkeeper thought it was over, only to find that it was not easy. The high-definition surveillance cameras clearly recorded the whole process of customers suspected of picking out the dirt-putting it in the coffee-taking slander.


The shopkeeper said that even this group of customers did not drink coffee at all. "A whole cup of coffee was thrown on it with a dirty thing they found somewhere."


The matter is basically clear, in response, under the bad review, the shop owner replied: "for your reputation, please delete the malicious bad review in time, we retain all video evidence as the legal basis, the network is not a place outside the law, you have the right to speak, but all please stand on the basis of kindness."


Some netizens pointed out that evaluation is very important for businesses: "Evaluation is really important, and I will pay great attention to it when I choose to buy."


After the matter was posted on the Internet, many netizens thought that there was nothing wrong with the store owner's practice and commented on it one after another: "such people are also quite outrageous. If they have such a rule, they should implement it." "it's really difficult for a businessman. this is the detail that a foreign body has been found by surveillance, otherwise you can't explain it clearly with a hundred mouths, and you can only eat Coptis chinensis for the mute, calling on everyone to do less wrong."


Finally, the shopkeeper also called on customers to think of others, spread rumors and break their legs. "for the sake of others, people don't do these unscrupulous actions, the world will be a better place."


Coffee shops do not accept commercial shooting is not alone, in fact, many coffee shops explicitly refuse commercial activities.


Then again, the rights of consumers and operators are two-way, and it is understandable for a store to set reasonable rules. Any dissatisfaction from customers should be raised in a more effective and direct way, instead of using this as an excuse to fabricate a bad review.

Photo Source: Internet

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