Coffee review

What's the difference between powder-to-water ratio and powder-to-liquid ratio?

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, When sharing the coffee brewing experiment in Qianjie, the word "powder-water ratio" is bound to be mentioned. Because when we make coffee, the proportion is a very important extraction parameter, it has certain conditions that can influence the concentration of coffee we finally get! However, sometimes, we will use the "powder-to-liquid ratio"

When sharing the coffee brewing experiment in Qianjie, the word "powder-water ratio" is bound to be mentioned. Because when we make coffee, the proportion is a very important extraction parameter, it has certain conditions that can influence the concentration of coffee we finally get!


However, sometimes, we will use the "powder-to-liquid ratio" for measurement! Then, it causes some rookies to confuse the two words. So, Qianjie will come to talk with you today, what is the difference between them! Powder-water ratio and powder liquid than they are simple and clear, can be interpreted directly according to the name! The "powder-to-water ratio" is the ratio of the amount of coffee powder to the amount of water injected, while the "powder-to-liquid ratio" is the ratio of coffee powder to the weight of coffee liquid. Powder-water ratio is how many milliliters of water you need to inject; powder-to-liquid ratio is how much coffee liquid you need to get! At this time, a friend is about to ask: how much hot water I put in, shouldn't I get how much coffee liquid I should get? The biggest difference between powder-to-water ratio and powder-to-liquid ratio is Nonono, which is precisely the difference between the two! When coffee powder is dry, it absorbs part of the hot water, which is generally believed to be twice as much as coffee powder, that is, the maximum amount of water that coffee powder can absorb.


(15g powder uses 1:15 ratio, pour 225ml hot water to get 196ml coffee liquid.) so, when you use 1:16 ratio when brewing, then, after subtracting twice the amount of water inhaled by coffee powder, you will get 14 times the remaining amount of coffee liquid. The ratio of powder to liquid is 1:14. In other words, they can be converted into each other! Where is the powder-liquid ratio generally used? The first is that in the era when electronic scales were not yet popular, people could not directly see the amount of water injected, so they got the liquid weight through the capacity of the cup, and then calculated how much coffee powder was needed for the liquid weight to get a cup of coffee of normal concentration. For example, in Japan or Taiwan Province in China, the capacity of a coffee cup was about 120ml, and then the amount of coffee powder was calculated (at that time, the amount of coffee powder was calculated based on a spoon, for example, 10g per flat spoon).


The second is when it is impossible to measure the amount of water injected! For example, we can often see that some brackets will hold the filter cup overhead; or, like some specific flannel brewing, it needs to be cooked with a hand-held filter cloth; or it is impossible to measure the amount of water used in the extraction directly, such as Italian concentration. These situations require the use of powder-to-liquid ratio! Because although the amount of water injected by extraction cannot be measured, the coffee liquid can be measured, and then converted, the ratio of powder to water can be obtained!


The third is the more common situation of Japanese cooking, which requires a large amount of water for extraction, but all the injected water does not need to flow into the filter cup, only a certain amount of coffee liquid is needed to remove the filter cup. in that case, the powder-to-liquid ratio will be more suitable than the powder-water ratio.


Where is the powder-water ratio commonly used? Like our regular hand-brewed coffee, siphon pot, mocha pot and other individual coffee production is mainly based on the ratio of powder to water! The reason why powder water ratio will be more widely used, mainly in order to be more stable to make good coffee! Because, even if the difference is only 20 milliliters of water, the taste of this cup of coffee will change greatly!


Less water injection is easy to concentrate the flavor together, resulting in the feeling of turbidity; if the amount of water injection is too much, it is easy to extract, resulting in a bitter and astringent taste. Therefore, now that there is one electronic scale in hand, people will prefer the application of powder-water ratio!


It is worth noting that when you use the powder-to-water ratio, make sure that the last drop of coffee is filtered by the filter cup before removing it, so as to ensure that the powder-to-water ratio matches both the goal and the practice. Otherwise, removing the filter cup before you finish the drip will deviate the powder / water ratio of the target, resulting in a coffee experience with deviation!


Front Street Cafe

No. 10 Baoqian street, Yandun road, Dongshankou, Yuexiu district, Guangzhou, Guangdong province
