Coffee review

For coffee extraction, should the fine powder be retained?

Published: 2024-10-23 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/23, Very often, due to the problem of grinding equipment, the ground coffee powder will be mixed with more very fine particles (fine powder)! At a time like this, the friend who wants to cook ushered in a difficult time to choose! Qianjie often says that too much fine powder will become a double-edged sword, although there is a chance that it will be rich.

Many times, due to the problem of grinding equipment, the ground coffee powder will be mixed with more fine particles (fine powder)! At this time, the friend who was about to brew had a difficult time choosing!


Front street often said that too much fine powder will become a double-edged sword, keep it although there is a chance to get rich coffee level, but there will be a greater probability that we will rush out of the bitter over-extraction taste; if you choose to abandon it, although it can reduce the uncontrollable over-extraction factor, but the coffee will be a little stiff! The best solution must be to replace the high-precision grinding machine, but often, many friends are the same as the street, cash-strapped. Is there a better solution?


Of course there is! Combining the fine powder articles written by Qianjie last year and the different arguments of major netizens, we can draw two more practical reference schemes, but before that, we need to sift out the fine powder first! Why sift out fines? It is one thing that fines themselves are easy to over-extract, as long as they are not too much, then they will not cause too much impact on cooking. Moreover, like the usual use of a better bean grinder, will also produce a little fine powder, we do not choose to screen them out, because there is no need to screen out. However, the key to the problem was that the fine powder ground by some bean grinders was really too fine! More! Spicy! The fine powder particles are less than 0.25mm, which can perfectly block the seepage port of the filter paper, so that the liquid that can be quickly filtered can be stored in the filter cup for a longer time! Good fellow, fine powder itself over extraction even if, but also bring other particles together over extraction! Therefore, the first step we need to do is to sift it out, and we will talk about what solutions we have after sifting out ~


Just buy a fine powder sifter (commonly known as sifter), pour all the ground coffee powder into the pot, cover it and shake it!!! Shake until you feel fine powder sift out can! Like Qianjie, 15 grams of beans were ground with a hand-operated bean grinder and a full 2.5 grams of fine powder was sifted out!


This accounts for 16% of the total powder, if it is directly put into use, it will be very easy to block the filter paper, prolong the extraction time! You end up with a muddy bed of powder.


But if we remove it, then our benefits will only be stable extraction, but bring more inconvenience: first of all, the loss of 3g coffee beans, need to be refilled, refilled will need to spend extra effort, belong to spend money and effort. So we can conclude that the best way to do this is to keep looking! When we sift out the fine powder, we can refer to these two schemes! One is to set the amount of fine powder before brewing to ensure that the addition of fine powder will not cause excessive negative effects; the other is to find the right time to add fine powder during brewing to reduce the risk of over-extraction. How much does it take to stop the filter paper clogging? Qianjie has done experiments on this problem and finally concluded that under the condition that the amount of fine powder is less than 10% of the total powder, it can maintain normal brewing and taste good. Once it exceeds 10%, it will easily cause blockage! So, what we need to do is to control the fine powder below 10%!


For example, if we grind 2.5g of fine powder from 15g of coffee powder, we can take 1.5g of it and add it to brew, reducing the original predetermined amount of water by 15ml! After all, the use of higher precision bean grinder will also produce a similar degree of fine powder, as long as the stability of other factors during extraction, then the probability of rollover will be greatly reduced! Add fine powder to the brewing process (folk recipe) We will sift out the fine powder aside for later use, first according to the original set parameters for brewing. When the second hot water injection is finished, we will spare 3g fine powder poured!


In this way, the aromatic substances in the fine powder can be extracted in an appropriate amount, which not only avoids that the 3g coffee powder will produce negative taste, but also avoids that the fine powder will be in the condition of blocking the filter paper at the bottom! Other brewing methods can also find the appropriate timing of pouring powder according to this concept, and will not be limited to three-stage brewing. Then, this is only a reference idea, fine powder has more playability, if there are other different ideas, welcome to share ~- END -

Front Street Cafe

No.10 Baoanqian Street, Yandun Road, Dongshankou, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province
